
Brian Tyler Cohen: "This is really disappointing. The future of our country, our freedoms, and our democracy is at stake. And yet our media views it all as one big fun “lit” game. When we say that the media isn’t meeting the moment, this is what we mean."
Years ago, Ted Turner proposed creating a 24-hour 7-Day a week News channel. The talking head experts of the day said that was ridiculous. There wasn't enough news to fill the void. They were right. now the constant news media has to do things to fill the void. Trump makes it easy for them.
Yeah, he's a human circus. I feel guilty for giving the media so much attention but as it is now, it's the main source of getting news out. We gotta take on some of that function ourselves, while insisting on more from them.
I know I'm outnumbered here, but I think Dems need to accept the media reality they are in. You guys aren't going to rewrite over the next four months. Most likely, not after that either. You have to live with it for the foreseeable future. Judge accordingly.
rewrite what? Working around the media is something I've been trying, do you have an alternative? Accepting deceit is different. Reality doesn't exist in trying to find "balance" between 2 ideological concepts, it's what's true when not manipulated. We'll see what the ppl wish it or force it to be.
Sorry, I meant revise the media into proper journalistic outlets. It's not going to happen. The American public isn't going to get properly informed before the election. So complaining abt the media is itself just a distraction for now.
It feels we are caught in jaws of the fringe internet media, & so called major networks media supporting & manufacturing news & the right & left extremist knuckleheads of the two primary parties who are competing to subvert & destroy our Constitution & our Federal Democratic Republic.