
Avatar Are you still up or did you just get up?
Hahaha, I had a nap late Friday and then slept a couple hours earlier this morning.
I'll allow it...You are 2 hours ahead of my time and my body still hasn't realigned with not needing to be at work at 04:30 local. Most days I can fall back asleep, not today.
I was enjoying sleeping for 4-5 hours at a time, but I think I've had a bit too much sugar over the last few days. Plus being too tense and thus sore. Look there, I just convinced myself to stretch for a *while* after coffee. Hah.
After yesterday, if I stretch every muscle in my back will cramp uo and lock that way.
Yeah. OW!!! Especially if I can't break the cramp the muscle goes into spasm. But hey, I'm already on steroids so it's good.