
Basically an opinion piece. The mischaracterization of the "lord almighty" quote is particularly egregious.
President Biden will continue his re-election effort on Sunday with two campaign stops in Pennsylvania, a key swing state. Follow live updates.
Live Election Updates: Biden Hits the Trail as Concern Among Democrats
i think there's a lot to criticize about Dem message discipline but the rules at the NYT changed kind of dramatically and suddenly to "a single on-background quote from basically any Dem is enough to peg an entire new story about Biden's age to" and idk how you control that basically
Speaking of, democrats would do a lot better to go vent their anxieties to god than to journalists
might be cope but I feel like this is going to backfire. they’re going to burn the story out before the end of summer. eyes will glaze over reading the thousand and first “Biden old” headline. maybe they know it, which is why instead of “drip drip drip”, they’ve turned on a firehose.
The last week or so, the NYT was getting a ton of blowback on its barrage of BIDEN OLD stories on Threads. Today it seems they disabled their account there?
Are you kidding me, they're getting bodied on THREADS of all places??
That's beautiful. First good thing I've heard about threads basically ever.