
Basically an opinion piece. The mischaracterization of the "lord almighty" quote is particularly egregious.
President Biden will continue his re-election effort on Sunday with two campaign stops in Pennsylvania, a key swing state. Follow live updates.
Live Election Updates: Biden Hits the Trail as Concern Among Democrats
i think there's a lot to criticize about Dem message discipline but the rules at the NYT changed kind of dramatically and suddenly to "a single on-background quote from basically any Dem is enough to peg an entire new story about Biden's age to" and idk how you control that basically
Speaking of, democrats would do a lot better to go vent their anxieties to god than to journalists
Maybe! "EMAILS" didn't burn itself out. A big problem with "Biden = old" as a narrative is that Biden will not stop being old and continuing to be old will allow them to run more stories on that fact through election day if they want to
might be cope but I feel like this is going to backfire. they’re going to burn the story out before the end of summer. eyes will glaze over reading the thousand and first “Biden old” headline. maybe they know it, which is why instead of “drip drip drip”, they’ve turned on a firehose.
The context was that Biden was being asked to speculate on what his reaction would be if figures who were not currently calling on him to drop out were in fact doing that. In frustration with the absurdity of the premise, Biden offered the "Lord Almighty" response
I ain’t see how the “Lord Almighty” quote is mischaracterized. Thats exactly how I interpreted it when I watched the interview.
Did people think it would've been smart for Biden to instead answer the question and go like "uh Barack Obama if he asked me to drop out, that would do it" and conjure up an imaginary image of Barack Obama urging him to drop out?
lol, really?
The last week or so, the NYT was getting a ton of blowback on its barrage of BIDEN OLD stories on Threads. Today it seems they disabled their account there?
Their opinion page is still on, but the main account seems to be gone.
I just checked, their main account (@nytimes) is gone although for some reason @nytopinion is still up.
They wanna make sure their worst takes are still available
Let’s bully them off here too
This isn't journalism. This is the NYT advocating for a Trump maladministration redux to boost subscription numbers. 🤢
maybe, but “emails” had intrigue behind it. it always felt like there was more that could come out. “Biden old” doesn’t have the same intrigue, which is why they’re trying to manufacture it with the background quotes and stuff like “Biden’s secret doctor hasn’t given him a cognitive test!”
I fully admit that I might be too optimistic here, but I think they are just moving the baseline. the only way this continues to hurt Biden is if he keeps getting worse. imo the worst debate moment was the dead air because it’s something we hadn’t really seen before (unlike the misspeaks/gaffes)
There’s actually quite a lot of evidence that Biden will continue getting older
Every new stutter, verbal stumble, etc. etc. is a new week's worth of stories.
And if Biden isn't on the stump for a day or two, they can ask whether the campaign is hiding Biden and why.
Only solution is impossible since their comms team has been trash from day 1. You must go to war with that place but they lack the skills and will to do what’s necessary.
I regret that I had but one NYT subscription to cancel for my country
I will miss its unbia-- Oh, hell--who am I kidding. I'll miss Wordle and the Spelling Bee.
might be cope but I feel like this is going to backfire. they’re going to burn the story out before the end of summer. eyes will glaze over reading the thousand and first “Biden old” headline. maybe they know it, which is why instead of “drip drip drip”, they’ve turned on a firehose.
The last week or so, the NYT was getting a ton of blowback on its barrage of BIDEN OLD stories on Threads. Today it seems they disabled their account there?
Are you kidding me, they're getting bodied on THREADS of all places??
That's beautiful. First good thing I've heard about threads basically ever.
Fwiw, we had tons of that about Trump from 2015-2020 and he did ok
A paper *could* eliminate this with a single brief memo from the executive editor or editor in chief: except for very specific circumstances (listed) or with the express permission of the EE/EIC, anonymous, unattributed, or background quotes cannot be used in political articles and columns.
Even imagining the status quo holds, I’m getting apoplectic about the NEXT story they don’t contextualize well. There’s so many ways it could go sideways, worse. Debt ceiling. Nuclear foreign policy conundrum. Domestic unrest. You name it.
I have never wanted the NYT to disappear as much as I have during this election cycle. If they put Trump in the white house, I really hope that all of their senior editorial staff is tortured and jailed. They can hand-wring while they're executed.