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Love visiting Chesil Beach and reading books. In fact, I’ve probably got my head in a book while you’re reading this, so please be quiet.

⬆️And yes, this is my Backlisted bookshelf. ⬆️
Asa: The Girl Who Turned Into a Pair of Chopsticks by Natsuko Imamura was an odd but lovely little book. Three short stories that all start in an ordinary way but gradually reveal a strange turn to the surreal; I loved these peculiar tales.
I’m nothing if not thorough. In the interest of completeness, we watched the TV adaptation of Endless Night ahead of the next Backlisted episode. However … Miss Marple had been (awkwardly) shoehorned into the story. I’m sorry to say it was not good, and so cheesy. I’d recommend sticking to the book!
My weekend reading has started with Cairn by Kathleen Jamie. It’s a collection of poems, short pieces of writing and essays. I’ve been a huge fan of Kathleen’s writing since her first book Findings which I think was about 20 years ago. She writes exquisitely about nature and history.
Well, I finished Gaining Ground. The writing is exceptional. It’s the best book I’ve read in ages, and despite being almost 50 years old, it still felt relevant and significant, particularly as we are now so much more aware of mental health issues. /1
Started Gaining Ground by Joan Barfoot this morning, from the latest episode. My partner read it last week and said it’s the best book he’s read for the last couple of years, and can not believe it’s not currently in print. So far, I’d agree one hundred percent.
Avatar Hi Joel, I know you’ve been busy with the book launch, but just wondered if there are some new Comfort Blanket episodes coming up soon?
Started Gaining Ground by Joan Barfoot this morning, from the latest episode. My partner read it last week and said it’s the best book he’s read for the last couple of years, and can not believe it’s not currently in print. So far, I’d agree one hundred percent.
In the meantime, I’m reading Endless Night by Agatha Christie, which will be discussed on the next live episode, heavily encouraged by! Wish I could go to the recording - maybe another time I’ll be able to make it.
Managed to get a hard to find copy of the next book (up now on Patreon and will listen to this morning). Most money I think I’ve ever spent on a book! No doubt, someone will reprint it next year for a much lower price, but I couldn’t stand the gap on my shelf for that long.
Just spotted that The Card is on Talking Pictures at 2:50pm. It’s based on the Arnold Bennett book, and starts Alec Guinness, Glynis Johns and Valerie Hobson. Loved the book, so will be interesting to see this adaptation.
Avatar Hi Andy. I remembered you asking about Brian Wildsmith a little while ago, and saw Jackie Morris posted about an exhibition on Instagram, so thought I’d put it here in case you didn’t know about it. Details here:
Took my goddaughter book shopping to celebrate the end of her GCSEs and the start of a ten week summer holiday. As ever she astounds me with her choices. Max Minerva’s also gave her a couple of free proofs too.
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Will you be adding to your pile of unread books today? - Michael
Carrying on my jazz trio album listening, I’ve just listened to Short Stories by Gareth Williams, which hit that perfect sweet spot for me. I’ve seen Gareth with Claire Martin quite a few times, and am deeply admiring of his work.
Ok, Bluesky, hit me with your recommendations for the best jazz trio albums - keyboard, bass, drums. Don’t mind if they are accompanied by a singer, but I generally prefer listening to females singers.
My partner is definitely a Heyer convert after reading Venetia from the bookshelf. He’s now on his third one (These Old Shades), and keeps popping in to tell me how bonkers it is. Backlisted, what have you done!
Read D is for Death by Harriet F. Townson (pen name for Harriet Evans) yesterday. It’s the first in her Dora Wildwood Mysteries series of Golden Age inspired stories set in London 1935. It was so much fun to read, and a love letter to all those classic crime books.
Film trailer on Insta. Caption starts with quote from leading magazine “ is exceptional.” Trailer is 30 seconds long. Actress has second billing, yet only three single less than 1 second shots in 30 second trailer with no dialogue, while remaining time is all male actors 🙄
How I wish the continuity person on BBC Four would stop asking us to guess the year for TOTP on Friday night. Surely everyone already knows from the EPG or from the info bar when they change to the channel? Does anyone blindly choose a channel without knowing what’s on nowadays?
I've just finished Deadwood by Pete Dexter. It’s taken me over two weeks, as I found it just didn’t interest me. It was a Backlisted read, and I remember enjoying the episode a lot when it came out, and I had been looking forward to reading it, so I’m a bit surprised by my reaction. /1
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New! Script books, novels, radio shows, TV programmes, LPs, video games, towels, women called Caroline etc, all by DOUGLAS ADAMS, with John, Nicky and me.🐬
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My partner has moved on from Venetia to Arabella by Georgette Heyer. Keep hearing chuckles from the other room, and every now and again he pops in with a new made up word he’s found!
Without fail, I always think of my dad whenever I see someone move the person they’re with to the other side of them and put themselves nearest the traffic side of the pavement. It’s one of those little things he always did with me or mum whenever we were out walking.
I’ve finally started reading The Rotter’s Club by Jonathan Coe. About 70 pages in, and it’s so, so good. His writing is just wonderful. Makes it look so easy, which is the hardest thing to do.
Made use of the long weekend to make my next batch of bookmarks for episodes 192 - 212.
Stopped at the seafront this morning. It’s recently been changed with designated areas for pedestrians, cyclists, parking and other road traffic. Saw cyclists in pedestrian area and others cycling the wrong way down the road traffic area, and a very irate sweary dog walker challenge one of them …
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My thoughts on Bibliomaniac by Robin Ince and published by Atlantic Books:
My partner is reading all the Backlisted books, but in a more ordered way than me, and has just arrived at Venetia by Georgette Heyer. I think I might join him, because it’s just so much fun and I would love to read it again.
My partner finished reading Memento Mori this afternoon so we watched the 1992 Screen Two adaptation this evening. Lovely to see such a wealth of British actors again, and I think it captured the spirit of Muriel Spark’s book pretty well.