
Managed to get a hard to find copy of the next book (up now on Patreon and will listen to this morning). Most money I think I’ve ever spent on a book! No doubt, someone will reprint it next year for a much lower price, but I couldn’t stand the gap on my shelf for that long.
I saw the £ yesterday and actually thought about you and wondered if you already owned or would have to dive in!
We ummed and ahhed about it for a week before deciding whether to buy it. Even now I’m thinking about buying a glass case to display it in.
Haha. I love that you do it though, such a great collection and experience.
Haha! We almost took the risk to just get the ebook version and see if it got reprinted later, but in the end I decided that as I have no other expensive vices 😇, to go with the “sod it” option and clicked on the buy button.
Is it available as an ebook? My library is upgrading their system so no inter library loans for a month (drums fingers on table impatiently).