
one of the most demoralizing realizations of growing up is that my personal, core opinion that immigrants should be enthusiastically welcomed into the country already full of em has not only NEVER been popular, but is becoming even MORE unpopular as time goes on. We just REALLY hate immigrants :(
not just twitter! a loudly anti-trump democrat who works at a market my mom and i go to casually mentioned that the u.s. vaccine numbers are so low "because of all the illegals coming in here," so it seems like they are still in the "kids in cages" war but on the side of the cages now
my mom spent most of my life researching our family's geneology; she got back into the 1500s. My family's from Germany. Ireland. Prussia. Scotland. All various times of arrival. We're all borne from just piles and piles of immigrants trying their best. Stupid to pretend otherwise. Let everyone in.