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thedanlines.co.uk || Just another writer wading through the WIPs || #writing
I've been quite lucky with finding orchids during work recently - here's a group of common spotted orchids at today's site! These are the most common UK orchid. They favour woodland, but can pop up in unexpected places - these were found on quite a disturbed road verge! #nature #flowers #wildlife
Here's my writing/reading space for the next week and a bit - actually excited to sit down and get some editing done now! #WritingCommunity #Author #Booksky #Fantasy
Nice to find some little patches of nature when out surveying for work (taken during a brief respite from the rain)
It's a bank holiday in the UK, which means a walk in the local nature reserve followed by some writing (writing yet to occur, but I'm hopeful) #WritingCommunity #Nature #Environment
Just finished 'The Surviving Sky' by Kritika H. Rao - really enjoyed it! Great world building with concepts I've never seen before, but I never felt lost. Varied characters with realistic flaws. Occasional fast pacing and a wild ending, but still fun. Highly recommended! 💙📚 #BookSky #Reading
Can't believe I almost missed this - happy #EarthDay all! There's a long battle ahead in the UK for environmental protection, but policies like BNG are a step in the right direction. Here's hoping for another positive year ahead! feat. me being a child excited about a stream #nature #environment
Recently finished Godkiller by Hannah Kaner - mixed feelings. The worldbuilding and plot (once it picked up) were enthralling. But the first half was slow. That coupled with indistinct POVs made it difficult to wait until the good bits. Still, I'll probably read the sequel! 💙📚 #booksky #reading
I've always found landscapes great inspiration for writing. It can be easy to think there's nothing in an urban area like Manchester, but there are some great areas just on the doorstep. Dovestone Reservoir, Oldham. #WritingCommunity #Hiking #Nature
At Chapter One Books in Manchester today - my favourite writing cafe! Hoping to make some solid progress with copious amounts of cake. #Writing #WritingCommunity #Books (reposted to fix spelling errors)
A little change from writing today - thought I'd talk about things I find during my #ecology day job! This is red-stemmed feathermoss, a common UK #moss UK that grows in acidic soils. This one was found on an old colliery site and is a great sign #nature is recovering, even with a thin soil layer.
Recently read 'Murder in LaMut' - another Riftwar book and frankly alot more fun! It was surprisingly funny (even if it wasn't trying) with a great trio of main characters. The ending stumbled for me, but I can forgive it after the fun start and middle. Now, onto Godkiller... 💙📚 #booksky #reading
A wet day out on ecology surveys today, a bit grim but at least it's done! Here's hoping next week's work is either dry or indoors 🥲 #nature #ecology
After each major draft of Downdraft, I've tried to identify the heart of the story alongside my usual review notes. After this draft (draft 3!), the plot seems solid and I think I've got the heart! Focussed chapter edits start tomorrow... #amwriting #writingcommunity #author #booksky
Just picked up Godkiller by Hannah Kaner - had my eye on it for a while and excited to read it! 💙📚 #booksky
Thought of this and had to make it. I have no-one to blame but myself #writing #writerscommunity #booksky #author
Just finished 'Honored Enemy' - picked it up because I've enjoyed Raymond E.Feist's books in the past. Have to say, found it disappointing... interesting plot but weird character development and POV issues. Has anyone else read it? Curious to know if it's just me! 💙📚 #booksky
So, #NaNoWriMo is over - how did everyone do? I got further than I'd ever hoped and blasted through some tough sections. Had to slow down at the end (can you tell where? 😅) but very pleased overall. I might finish this draft by the end of the year! #writing #writerscommunity #booksky #author
Day 4 of #NaNoWriMo done - headed in Chapter One Books in Manchester and managed a 2.5k word session! Will definitely head back there for a a change of scenery. Anyone have any favourite cafes/other spots for writing? #Writing #WritersCommunity #Booksky #Author
End of feed.