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thedanlines.co.uk || Just another writer wading through the WIPs || #writing
Ohh I've read one of the Murderbot series and enjoyed it, and I keep hearing the other ones are just as good. My TBR list grows...
'The Twyford Code' was amazing - can't recommend it enough! I enjoyed 'Use of Weapons' but can't recommend since it's slow and very hard SF 😅 Partway through 'Legends & Lattes' which I'm enjoying a lot! Do you have any recent recs? I need to get back into the habit of posting my reading here... 📚💙
Reposted byAvatar Dan
Hi! I’m new here and looking for my #writingcommunity people. Help is appreciated!
Working away from home sucks, but it is pretty good for reading. I've got through more books in the past few weeks than I have in months! 💙📚 #BookSky #Reading
Can't speak for all - but in mine, we usually take turns to present a published piece and our WIP. We'll then analyse each one, share our thoughts and generally talk about the writing. Sometimes (like last week), we'll do a short exercise to practice a specific technique. Fun to do with friends!
Met with the writing club last night to do some writing exercises - really missed just coming up with ideas and throwing words on a page!! Once Downdraft edits are done, I'm gonna start so many new goddamned projects #WritingCommunity #BookSky #Editing #Author
15 minutes never hurt anyone, right?
Getting real hard not to do just a little bit of writing at work recently... #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author
Chapter 18 edits done, or page 180 complete! Never thought I'd finish this dammed editing, but it might even be Augudt at this rate... I eagerly await another project that isn't editing #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #BookSky #Author
Agree! It's super encouraging all in all. My spreadsheet of submissions grows...
Another rejection today - but the editor did say they liked my writing style and encouraged me to submit again the future! Now I just need to pick another short story to edit to completion... #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Querying #ShortStories
Okay that chapter was super frustrating to edit with multiple passes needed, but it's finally DONE. Can't wait to return to it after the beta reading stage 😭 #WritingCommunity #BookSky #Author #Editing
Reposted byAvatar Dan
b/c someone asked for this and I don't have time to write a pamphlet: How to promote on social media without sounding like you're being held hostage: 1. Link your books with joyfulness "Hey! I have a new release!" vs "I guess I should link my books not that it matters."
Reposted byAvatar Dan
#Writetip: Not all fight scenes are the same. Some can cover several pages and others can be as short as a single line. The trick is to figure out what works best in your story, for your characters and for your readers. #amwriting #writingcommunity #amreading
#WritingCommunity describe your book poorly. Downdraft: An old lady recounts her life to a poor journalist, who ends up writing about 80k words
#WritingCommunity describe your book poorly. Infernulls: Blue lady harasses adventurers just trying to do their best.
That's one editing pass of this chapter complete - though I think it'll need a few more until I'm satisfied... But for now, time to procrastinate here for a bit #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Author #Fantasy
Work finally done - time to get into some editing! Tonight, it's tackling the things I didn't want to look at yesterday... Here's hoping it goes better 😅 #WritingCommunity #Author #Fantasy #BookSky
Can't say I was feeling the editing buzz today, but I at least made some progress. Though I've put off some big edits until tomorrow... Hope everyone else is making better progress! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #Booksky #Author
I've been watching your streak at the same time, congratulations for 1 month!! Honestly impressed by how many words you're getting down
I didn't even realise when I started writing, but today is Day 300 of my writing streak! At least 15 minutes a day for 300 days. At least 4500 minutes spent working on Downdraft (probably much more!) Onwards to one year! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #AmWriting #Booksky
Procrastinated from writing by submitting a short story to a few places, now I want to procrastinate from submitting by writing. If it works it works I guess? #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #ShortStory #BookSky
Settling in for what I hope will be a big editing session - the goal is to finish applying changes to Chapter 17. Some small adjustments, some rewrites, we'll see how it goes! Anyone else writing/editing this evening? Any goals for tonight/the week? #WritingCommunity #Booksky #Fantasy #Editing
I usually listen to white noise whilst writing, so now whenever I hear ambient rain sounds my brain starts thinking about writing. A blessing and a curse...
Reposted byAvatar Dan
I don't post enough on here, but I'd really like it to be my main account. Can people recommend some good accounts to follow? Or even better share mine? I'd love to find some new readers through here. #Author #WritingCommunity
Back into more edits today! I think this was my favourite chapter (17) to write since it has a unique structure, and it's proving fun to edit too. Though past me was a fiend for spelling mistakes... #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #Editing #Booksky
⚠️Scam Alert⚠️ #WritingCommunity #Author #Publishing #BookSky I've been contacted by two Bsky accounts running a scam targeted at unpublished authors. They were posing as published authors, and after some stilted (possibly AI) conversation, they eventually recommend editing services they... (1/2)
...used and now recommend. They then link to an obviously dodgy Instagram account. Pretty obvious scam, but thought I'd draw attention to it anyway! I've reported the two accounts - one now suspended and the other marked as impersonation. The moderation team is pretty quick on it at least! (2/2)
Two rejections came through for short story queries yesterday, so three more went out. Determined to get this one out there! #WritingCommunity #Fantasy #AmQuerying #ShortStory
Back to editing - using this process for each chapter now... 1.) Fast readthrough - broad notes. 2.) Slow readthrough - specific notes. 3.) Implement all changes, largest first. 4.) Final readthrough! It's made the editing slightly less daunting! #WritingCommunity #Editing #Booksky #Fantasy
Glad you're feeling better! And sounds good, always nice to have some outside input!