
I remember one guy thought the southern hemisphere didn't exist because everyone would be walking around upside-down. Even though the gravitational pull orients you the same way regardless of where you are. How many conspiracy theories are based on general misunderstandings?
All of them require antiintilectualism and a serious lack of knowledge of facts. Unfortunately people who are calling out real conspiracies often have MORE knowledge than most people on the given subject but, to someone who doesn’t know, they sound identical to the conspiracy theorists.
For the record, the earth is round, Qanon is bull shit, and vaccines don’t cause autism. My point is basically that a lack of knowledge only ever benefits the people in power which is why the American government is rabidly against well functioning education systems.
Too lazy to read this thread, so I’ll just post this and try to get some sleep
Dan Olson did a great explainer on YouTube that concluded that flat earthers want to take back the power they feel they’ve lost to the scientific method, Enlightenment, progressivism in general. Denying the truth is a kind of power in itself.
So, facts that don’t negatively affect Flat Earthers make them feel powerless so they…just pretend the facts aren’t real? Well, that just makes me respect them less! It makes them more selfish for discrediting knowledge meant for everyone and FAR less intelligent because they DO know it’s all lies.
That's some dark ages bullshit if I've ever heard it. Are they seriously mad their lies aren't working?
Some of their lives are working fine! IIRC one is a professional NBA player. But the playbook is the same: deny evidence-based authority and establish your own. This practice is employed in politics all the time.
Seriously, who wins in the flat earth conspiracy? "The scientists get more money! It's a racket!" Ah yes, the Big Science Money for... geography
Let me know of others, but this is the dumbest of the conspiracies, surely
There's also conspiracies of Women not being real, and Australia being fake. As well as Birds just being drones made by the government to spy on us. A lot of dumb conspiracies out there.
My personal favorite is that Kennedy was wounded by Oswald but actually killed by Special Agent George Warren Hickey, who was in the back seat, accidentally firing his AR-15 and killing Kennedy when the limo sped up.
yeah trust us we aren't spy drones nope nuh uh
I got my glass eye on you, buddy
i shall shatter said glass eye.
Birds aren't real is a satirical prank conspiracy theory. But like so many things, I saw it on the Internet so it must be true.
Birds Aren't Real -
Thing is, I've seen people who genuinely believe birds are government drones, like in all seriousness. Sadly my brother is one of them.
Damn. It's worse when it's family members. Is there an element of paranoia from mental health involved? I've seen some "gang stalking" videos and they clearly need help.
I think those 3 combine to the pommy tourist walking into an Australian bar asking where all the birds are
They actually are using dead birds as drones now, which is hilarious.
It’s a test-flag for disinfo susceptibility. Once identified, can be targeted & cultivated for other ops. Yes, that’s my conspiracy theory. 🙃
Yours is watertight 😆
I thought it was supposed to be that heliocentrism is a feature of the devil incarnate and also it’s promoted by the Vatican, which is also the devil, but that good Protestants know the truth that the Earth is flat and that scientific progress, and therefore progress of any kind, is hooey
Seriously, it's either "they're making money somehow" or Jesus bullshit
I'm sorry but i do not believe flat earthers exist. That is the real conspiracy.
My favorite thing about them is how they refer to current events going on “around the globe”
I don't even get how this conspiracy theory exists. You can literally hire a company that takes you right to the south pole where you can observe 24 hours of daylight. I guess flat earther's would come up with something like "Dome refraction" to explain it.
The supposed purpose behind the conspiracy seems to be turning people away from God. It's less "conspiracy theory" and more "Evangelical persecution fetish."
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it's a gimmicky meme account bro. All they do is post silly memes. it's not that serious
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Yeah whatever nerd PSHHHHH *gives you a wet Willie*
My favourite one is when they claim certain airline flights don't exist, because it doesn't make sense with their model that they came up with of the flat earth looks. Even though there are videos of the flights from all angles.
It’s that ever powerful globe manufacturing lobby perpetrating the lie.
Been arguing with them a lot on Twitter lmfao
I love all the people spending money to hide the Flat Disc©™ from us. I mean, if it were true, billionaires would pay out their asses for that shit
I was in the cockpit setting up for a flight and a guy wanted to bring his kids in to look around. After the kids walked back out, the guy leaned in and in a hushed tone asked if the earth was really flat. All I could think was “it’s too late, he’s already reproduced”.
That seal is very established and a gentleman/ woman, ever wince the stock market crash of the 1930’s i have never seen such a respectable man/woman what a jolly to see