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Boring middle-aged guy with no strong feelings about Taylor Swift.

Likes: tabletop gaming, fantasy football, horror of all kinds.

Dislikes: Fascists, science deniers, and people who talk at the theater.
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
And the foreman came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said to me "sir, you are so guilty, I have never seen someone so guilty in my life"
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
The overturning of Roe v Wade is the most successful terrorist movement in the USA in my lifetime. Firebombings, assassinations, harassment and death threats, coupled with rigid party discipline, have brought about a prohibition more horrible than the 18th Amendment.
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
Isn't it interesting that every killing by every cop is just a single bad apple that should never be thought to spoil the bunch, while every protest by and on behalf of marginalized people must be flawlessly perfect, or all participants deserve the brutality the police exist to deliver to them?
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
Last night Gov. Youngkin went on a veto spree and vetoed a ton of sensible gun control policies. Youngkin is apparently just fine with: -Buying guns after you've been convicted of assault or stalking -Buying guns after you've been convicted of domestic violence
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
Hello BlueSky. As a public service, given how many, many things have been forgotten, this account will attempt to remind everyone of the daily madness that was 2020.
Why in God's name don't they use these OT rules in the regular season?
There has never been a halftime show worth killing all momentum by pausing the game for 45+ minutes. This is the hill I will die on.
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
1870-71: Franco-Prussian War, 433K dead 1914-1918: WWI, 17.6M dead, including 116K Americans 1939-1945: WWII, 54M dead in Europe, including 277K Americans 1949: NATO founded 1949- : No big interstate war in Europe (until Ukraine, which isn't in NATO) 2024: "NATO's dumb. What's it do for us anyway?"
Reposted byAvatar SwiftDefeat
In clinical trials of new treatments, when the treatment is clearly and obviously immediately effective it is sometimes considered unethical to continue to withhold it from the control group. Pretty sure we passed that milestone about a decade ago with basic income experiments.
Fresh basic income pilot results, this time from Arlington, Virginia where 200 people got $500 a month for 2 years. The findings: Employment INCREASED by 16%, and their incomes from paid work INCREASED by 37%. The control group saw no such gains. www.arlnow.com/2024/02/06/r...
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