Carl Wilhoyte

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Carl Wilhoyte

Writer of scifi / horror / stuff • Marxist shitpost sommelier • Midwestern mutant • he/him

Not now, I'm going online.
Reposted byAvatar Carl Wilhoyte
They're still doing this huh
I'm in Ohio. We don't get "4th of July Fireworks", but more "June 28th through July 9th Fireworks at Random Intervals"
I love the "did it work?" as if sarcasm is implied.
In an effort to quell calls for him to quit the race, Biden sat for a network TV interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday night. Did it work?
6 takeaways from Biden's high-stakes In an effort to quell calls for him to quit the race, Biden sat for a network TV interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Friday night. Did it work?
Biden Wisconsin rally today. No pun intended but that's not a good sign.
Abortion rights state ballot initiatives post-Dobbs currently enjoy a perfect electoral victory record.
Abortions rights supporters in three states — Arizona, Arkansas and Nebraska — said this week that they had secured enough signatures to put measures on the November ballot that would enshrine some abortion access in their state constitutions.
Organizers Say Abortion Access Is Headed to the Ballot in 3 More Arkansas is the third state this week where organizers said they had collected enough support for a petition to enshrine some abortion access in the State Constitution.
The Inside Out characters in my head
The Inside Out characters in my head
Joe Biden handwriting 2019 vs 2023. Much smaller, shakier, cramped. Ooo boy. Something's going on. 😬
British politics are like "Sir Stancil Blorfington-Upon-Bog has lost his MP seat by 72 votes to Beanface, a local entertainer who eats cold beans off the ground"
Lot of the lib replies under here resemble MAGA "fake news" screeching because there was a truth they didn't like. They're fans until they're not.
President Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person ever to hold the office, has displayed signs of accelerated aging in recent months, said numerous aides, foreign officials, members of Congress and others who interacted with Biden over the last 3½ years.
Biden’s aging is seen as accelerating, lapses described as more Aides, foreign leaders, donors and members of Congress say Biden has seemed slower and more often loses his train of thought in recent months, though close aides insist he remains mentally sharp
Reposted byAvatar Carl Wilhoyte
Like if you have achieved hot dog nirvana. Repost if you are still on the noble hot dog eightfold path
Reposted byAvatar Carl Wilhoyte
Big things happening in the UK.
Biden to Kamala Harris this weekend:
One of the most brutal magazine covers I've ever seen during a campaign. A centrist Dem losing The Economist is truly losing the Mandate of Heaven.
Unconfirmed SEC filing. If true, holy fuck Michael Flynn? What a dogshit Trump VP pick. If false, someone is going to jail.
Week or two, we'll see. Two days ago I was confident Biden would brush this off and cruise forward. Today not so much. Tick tock.
Biden on campaign call: "I'm not leaving. I'm in this race to the end and we're going to win"
About Biden dropping out: this type of pressure only tends to grow, not shrink. Biden doesn't have a cult, he has supporters. D voters know, or at least intuit, that he was a placeholder, a stopgap, someone who was a dependable, safe known quantity but still *temporary*. The milk's gone bad.
The only thing I really want from President/king person is a ban on fucking novelty news accounts. I don't want Cute Heckin Puppo or whatever to give me important info anymore.
The call for Biden to step aside in favor of Harris is growing beyond punditry. Had it stayed there, different story. Pelosi is referencing it, govs are holding conference calls, donors are openly talking about this. I may have to revisit my certainty Biden isn't going anywhere.
Thinking about this all the time now
Reposted byAvatar Carl Wilhoyte
A president supporting court packing for the explicit purpose of reigning in presidential power, including his own, after a Supreme Court made a wildly un-American, precedent-breaking decision to expand it, would be making the best case for a president to support court-packing.
I think people really, really, really need to hear a concrete, actionable plan to actively limit the practically unchecked superlegislative power of the SCOTUS
Reposted byAvatar Carl Wilhoyte
Between today, Chevron, the reversal of Roe, and Citizens United, I feel like it would be pretty tough to name a more destructive Supreme Court than John Roberts'
I can, with great confidence and without exaggeration, that this is the most corrupt, destructive and dangerous Supreme Court since the Civil War. To treat this morally bankrupt institution with any ounce of respect is insanity.
Reposted byAvatar Carl Wilhoyte
"Judicial coup" is a phrase we all need to become intimately familiar with
For a while, I was skeptical of a Trump term 2 autocracy. "They're clowns, they all hate each other, Project 2025 is just a wishlist" etc. Not anymore. Trumpism is American-brand fascism fully come to fruition. It needs to be stopped.
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
The real fucked up thing is that there is no clear delineation between "official" and "unofficial" acts yet. Is literally everything you do as Pres considered official? If so, President is an absolute monarch, a dictator.
Roberts rules for Trump. Absolute immunity for “official acts.” Vacated and remanded. Party line case. Both Sotomayor and Jackson dissent. Fuck this.