The Grim Reaper

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The Grim Reaper

I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
From the magic called DMs One hundred percent of what chaplains do is useless. The limit to our interaction is me occasionally spooking one. Though not my best feature, dogmatic faith is fun to shake, I have to admit
From the magic of my DMs People like yourself is what this has all been building to. Before dawn, it gets dark. Sometimes so dark you can't see the path before you. But it's still there You have a lot of time left. Much to do. And though it may not seem like it now, most if it will be enjoyable
Excellent question from the magic called DMs If I come 𝘧𝘰𝘳 you, you will know. You will feel it deeper than your bones, a calling and a lightening all at once Were you to see me and still feel like a highfalutin ape, you've merely caught me on my dutiful way to or fro. Feel free to say hello
From the magic called DMs Fortunately, those who would cause sadness go on to great places, which is joyous The only ones who suffer would secretly, or not so secretly, delight you
From the magic called DMs Two opposing points on the spectrum I am indeed here in friendship. My official duties will never be carried out here. Both of these messages came from souls not yet even halfway through their journey, so whether you respond with worry or wonder Time will pass either way
From the magic called DMs We are all friends in death. My arrival is, even when a surprise, often a welcome one. But even if not fully enthusiastic I hope it will be a small comfort to tell you that those who know fear upon dying are almost always deeply bigoted or incredibly rich
From the magic called DMs Of course you have; it's impossible not to. But it isn't why I'm here Lots of time for most of you left. I am here in an unofficial capacity Shitposting has only recently come to my attention. It's interesting to me
From the magic called DMs Just noting a response I have received Remarkably rarely
From the magic of my DMs Many scythecology questions today It is not meant to frighten. I found, more than a thousand years ago now, that without it I was mistaken for a beggar. When I leave it behind today, people think I am cosplaying as a ringwraith It makes the explanation take even longer
From the magic you call DMs I do not kill you, cannot stop you from dying. I am merely there when it happens. And you do not want to stay; slowly losing your mind as reality itself reabsorbs you, a thousand years of sanity insects gnawing at you until there's nothing left Anyway, money is not real
From the magic you call DMs Yes.
A question from the magic you call DMs You cannot really befriend deities, I'm afraid. They aren't haughty or anything, just ultimately very siloed and my duties keep me here, and busy. Gelos is perhaps my favorite I am a fan of the Valar, but never had the pleasure
A question from the magic you call DMs I am before gender. For eons the closest thing would have been was/is Since then, I have collected as many pronouns as names. You may use any you wish I will only state that while acceptable my least preferred is the set most often used by others
A question from the magic called DMs Yes, she was one of my most frequented before the final visit And you may like knowing that most of the time she was quite happy, and laughed often. Even tortured souls can know so much joy
From the magic called DMs I am not Hades, who sits aloof and purposefully ignorant while whittling away time under things. And am glad to be me and not he I understand attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in mortals, but I have less patience for it in gods We get along all right, though
From the magic you called DMs I have been following you since the stars that would be your flesh first exploded But I do not intend to bring consternation. I am here only in my off time. If you are only seeing me in your phone, everything is fine Plenty of time
A question from the magic you call DMs I understand why you ask this. I too was a fan Please note that I am only there when it happens, not the cause But I can tell you the whole universe was laughing during her trip over
A question from the magic that you call DMs The Styx is real, but the river is more metaphoric, an easy way to explain it to you. There is only one ferry, but it folds in your dimensions than the three you are used to Once you get used to the experience it is quite thrilling
A question from the magic you call DMs It is not rude to ask I follow everyone. Eventually But I do find you each fascinating in different ways
I do not have a "dick" please do not request "pics" You evolved from soup, be prouder of how far you've come
Question from the magic you call DMs I question in return why you are so eager for me to notice you But because you asked: I have no heart, so it feels incorrect to use that icon. My task is not to like things But I have decided to be among you and explain
Question from the magic you call DMs Grim is more a description, a title if you will, about my duties. I am pleased to tell you it does not refer to my disposition I like to think I am, in fact, quite pleasant by mortal standards
A question from the magic you call DMs Many ask this question, but I cannot answer. It is better if you do not know And though you do not know of many of them yet, ultimately time travelers can disrupt these pronouncements And you can understand the need for infallibility Consistency is key
End of feed.