
What else is there to do
I’m pretty sure that Death is just fucking with us.
I knew it. I’m out here causing severe illness with communicable diseases, and you’re taking your good ol time.
Wow. Never thought I’d be witness to Pestilence meeting the Grim Reaper.
I’m curious, I understand the need for death, but what purpose does suffering serve? Or would be in a better position to answer that question?
Not even I understand the 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 for death, merely the existence and abundance of it and the utility of a conscious manifestation of it Talk of needs and purpose are very human terms. You will search for these things all your life, finding them or not as is the whim of fate. Time will pass either way
Meanwhile pestilence is just sort of Pestilence's thing. You can't really argue against tautology
From an evolutionary point of view, death makes sense. Life on Earth won’t work if living things were to live forever. Hey, would you like to get together for a chat sometime? Over a friendly game of chess, perhaps?