The Man From Rio

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The Man From Rio

Decided to shake up the routine by grilling some Hawaiian beef short ribs and pineapple. Side is pineapple rice and a King's Hawaiian role, natch.
So getting used to Hades II after playing a lot of Hades. I find I gotta be more methodical with Mel than Zag and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. This is gonna be so good when it's totally finished.
My wife suddenly cooled on the idea of getting a pool put in the back when she saw the price tag. I dunno, I'll look into seeing doing an above ground just to say I did my due diligence.
We'll be finishing up The Vourdalak tomorrow. Issue with subtitles, but still doable. It's a Gothic French folk horror movie that has a goddamn full-on Jim Henson puppet and they make no attempt to hide it from you. You gotta see it.
I know, I know, no mention of the other place here...but man, this thread is exactly how I feel about the whole thing.
Had to take care of a wasp nest outside, desperately needed to mow the lawn and made some space in the garage. Still lots to do, but it's a start.
I've always gotten the impression from the media that they view the majority of the president's job is to interface with them rather than do boring presidential shit. You can feel they're complete lack of enthusiasm during the whole Biden admin and why they need to stir up shit.
I desperately gotta clean out the gunk in the grill. Get it ready for prime time. Next BBQ I'm thinking...Hawaiian ribs? And after that smoked chicken wings.
So now we've had all the Fallout flavored bones coffee. Atomic Apple is the weakest of the bunch.
It's been little over a week since the presidential debate and I am thoroughly tired of discourse on the subject. For fuck's sake, I'm calling it, we gotta move on to something else. Anything. I'm fucking begging you.
Honestly, thinking about getting a shed in the back just so I can dump everyone else's shit outta the garage and have my dojang back.
So we had to work 8 hours extra this week before the 4th, and today's shift is cancelled because of electrical issues. Guess who played video games all fucking day? This guy.
Kinda funny (I don't mean the haha kinda funny, obviously) that both streaming jackass Dr Disrespect and literary giant Neil Gaiman are in the same boat.
So Boltgun...I fired up the new horde mode and its mostly dead air in between a few enemies. Am I missing something here? Where's thus horde I was promised?
I'll be honest, I've never particularly celebrated July 4th much. Not into fireworks, you can have a BBQ any other day, etc etc. If it's your thing, hope you're having a good one. Happy 4th, for what it's worth.
Because nothing says "I care about democracy" like this does. Do it fast, too. Like a Jimmy Johns sandwich. And don't skimp on anything. I like my subs fully-loaded.
Ya think if we all get really drunk today, they'll have no choice but to cancel work tomorrow?
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
Tired, nothing to eat in the fridge...we're winging it at Wing Stop tonight
Watched The Strangers Chapter 1 last night. The fact it ends on a cliffhanger is kinda disappointing. It did not make me wanna visit Oregon. More like I'd be Oregone!
Wife demanded we watch season 2 of Interview With the Vampire. Much as I'd love to watch the next ep with her, I gotta go to bed early for work tomorrow. Between this and The Vourdalak, guess we're taking a trip to Francelvania. Where all the French vampires come from.
Not a great moment in our political history right now. The overbearing heat doesn't help, either. Neither does the mandatory overtime I have to do tomorrow. Probably just gonna sit on my ass the 4th.
8 hours of mandatory at work to be completed by Wednesday, right before the 4th which is already awkward because it's a Thursday.
I so want to see The Vourdalak, but all I can pull up for showtimes are at the IFC Center in NY. Guess I'm shit outta luck until I can rent or stream it.
It's well past time for everyone to stand up, with one voice, and tell the Supreme Court to fuck itself. It's a travesty.
My wife's back locked up over the weekend and she's been in pain since. Went to see the chiropractor and it helped, but she's got a lotta work ahead of her. You know what they say: once you pop, you can't stop.
Okay, In A Violent Nature has me hungry for some good horror flicks. Anything really good out I haven't heard about?
My wife always picks the weirdest times to get serious about house cleaning. We just went out to a water park all day yesterday and her back is locked up. Chill, my luv.