Phil Vasquez

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Phil Vasquez

Culinary musings and history.
Observationist appetisers.
Writer. Cook. Filmmaker.
Covid Conscious.
In solidarity with my friends in France hoping we can all avoid the Farage-ification of the French Assemblée. Stay strong, friends.
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A religious building so stunning, it can even make this architecture-loving atheist swoon. Though Sacré-Coeur in Paris in its Neo-Byzantine-Romanesque style is different, I can never stop thinking of it when the Oratory catches my eye like Sacré-Coeur did when living in Paris. #architecture #history
This was the precise moment that encapsulated Conservative hubris, uncouthness, and entitlement in UK Parliament and began the very deserving decline.
A match can be fun even if it's going to be a blow out. Sure, it's more fun when you're cheering for one team to lose than one to win, Labour being far from perfect. Like watching Brasil get picked apart by Germany in 2014, this will be fun... (But, must we sit through the insufferable Ed Balls.🙄)
Only NOW this is happening??
Breaking News: Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and a longtime ally of Donald Trump, has been barred from practicing law in New York, a court ruled.
Leaders of the free world, apparently.
Breaking News: The Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump is entitled to some level of immunity from prosecution, a decision that may effectively delay the trial on charges against him of plotting to subvert the 2020 election.
Please stop using "narrative" if you don't understand what it means.
Staples. For daily cuppas. For help with amateur detective analysis through year after year of Midsomer Murders episodes. For working through video games with. For studying recipes with next to a sous-chef cat. A tea home is a tea home. Even when it isn't British. #tea #cuppa #brew
The fact that Trump after his first term, after the Capitol incident, after the convictions, and after the grotesque uncouthness could still be even tied in the polls with Biden tells you all you need to know about the average American voter. Because it's not a tiny group behind him, it's millions.
The race for the White House is very close, new polling averages from The New York Times show, with President Biden and Donald Trump essentially tied as they approach their first debate Thursday. Here's a look at the polling.
1st US amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" Meantime in Louisiana, further enshrining all that 'land of the free' business...
Louisiana Requires All Public Classrooms to Display Ten A law signed by Gov. Jeff Landry on Wednesday makes the state the only one with such a mandate. Critics have vowed to mount a constitutional challenge.
"Time and again, society pressures people not to see, hear or speak about the elephant in the room.. we tune out, malign and shoot the messenger because they remind us of what we would rather disregard." #covidcautious #covid
Like it or not.. "We need to be very, very firm with our messaging that there is no such thing as a mild SARS-Cov-2 infection that does not have prolonged consequences" - Dr. David Putrino, Dir. of Rehabilitation Innovation at Mt Sinai Health System. #covidcautious #covid
'Our immunity is suppressed': Doctor on post-COVID sickness | Dr. David Putrino, director of rehabilitation innovation at Mount Sinai Health System, joins "Cuomo" to discuss what he believes is behind a surge in post-CO...
Good grief... Weather report seems to be calling for frost in Hell. In other news, pig farmers are reporting some of their stock are growing wings.
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A timeline of New York's destruction of public health.
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These flavours go as well together as with anything else. Watermelon, diced feta (ideally sheep and/or goat's milk), extra virgin olive oil is the most incredible contrast with the natural sweetness of the watermelon, and a drizzle of balsamic glaze. The torn basil you throw in just at the end.
Many of us are going to need to start accepting the very un-human-centric fact that animals are infinitely more intelligent, sensitive, and aware than we've led ourselves to believe for the convenience of doing what we please with them without feeling guilt or shame.
Elephants may use and respond to individualized rumbles, an AI analysis of their calls suggests. It’s too early to say if it means they have names for other things, but the way they seem to name one another leaves that open as a possibility, scientists say.
I thought things were going in a concerning direction when I left France in 2016. But this... this is a development in France I was not expecting to happen quite in this way.
Macron calls shock French elections after far-right The president said the results were a disaster for his government, and one he could not pretend to ignore.
U.N. Sec General António Guterres: "the richest 1% on the planet emit as much as two-thirds of all humanity. We cannot accept a future where the rich are protected in air-conditioned bubbles, while the rest of humanity is lashed by lethal weather in unlivable lands,”
After 12 'shocking' months of broken heat records, scientists say Earth is 4 years away from crossing 1.5 degrees of UN Secretary General calls for new taxes on fossil fuel companies as global temperatures look set to hurtle past global warming limits set at 2015 Paris Agreement.
Our now 7 year old 'levain mère' or sourdough starter. Still enriching every bread we make. This time a rye slow fermentation dough. Tart, dense, a fantastic tartine bread made with lovely local Meunerie Milanaise flour. #sourdough #ryeflour #baking #painaulevain #homecooking
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We are living in an age of denial. Denial of a genocide. Denial of an ongoing pandemic. Denial of a climate crisis. Acknowledging reality is an act of rebellion.
This is what has killed (for those of us with artistic ambitions) our ability to create projects. Even if I don't do film or writing projects for money, to have the promise of absolutely NO money isn't easy either.
Rereading this and I'm going to bed to cry: "Ernest Hemingway was paid $1 a word in 1936. That's more than $21 per word in today's dollars. The maximum I was ever paid to write for a glossy magazine in print was $2/word, in 2021."
The Money Is In All The Wrong Places | You can always tell who in Hollywood has family money by their Instagrams. People like Dakota Johnson, who have a Hollywood lineage deeper than the Mariana Trench, post only rarely. They post about so...
Neighbours. Friends. Rivals. Another in a long line of important battles on the ice at the 2024 World Championship. Time for Finnkampen 🇸🇪🇫🇮. #HejaSverige #iihf #hockey
This is immensely not ok. #covidcautious
"So this bill will protect the Ku Klux Klan to wear masks in public, but someone who's immunocompromised like myself cannot wear a mask?" — North Carolina Senator Sydney Batch, who is a cancer survivor Unbelievable.
I guess not enough teams have been able to cheat their way to the top and FIFA haven't been able to influence who they want ending up at the top of the tables. Time to scrap the only fair officiating system the sport has ever had. Profit over logic. Every time.