
If we had a unified left, things like this would be a bigger deal, but because centrists are always asking the left to give ground & offering nothing and exchange, we have a fractured left, which is how this guy got over in the first place. but it’s the entitlement of the centrists that I blame
Of course you blame another group. Do you feel better now. It’s not your fault. Your purity is a thing of beauty and satire.
Damn, tru. We should definitely blame the guy who sings a great cover of The Sign and is terminally online instead of our elected leaders who failed us for generations. Good point!
lol I pull the lever dutifully as is befitting a resigned ex-utopian so I’m not sure what my interlocutor here wants me to do except maybe talk nicer about the party that’s shedding younger voters like dead skin cells
the guiding electoral strategy of Liberals seems to begin and end with “if leftists don’t clap hard enough, Tinkerbell will die”
It’s my belief that there is so much that unites us but too often we focus on what divides us. With so little time until November I’d love a liberal detente while we all work to get out the vote. Treat our allies like allies, if only for the big fight ahead.
Weird how this sentiment is typically only aimed at leftists and nobody else
This is correct — why must the left wait until after (every) election to ask for a place at the table? At which point, mysteriously, it’s “not time now” again. The first election I followed was 1980; these are always the terms.