
This is just beautiful. Jon Wurster has been repeatedly instructed to tell mourners at my funeral that I've been begging for death since the first ride we shared to a gig, and now have finally gotten my wish. The bar has been raised.
If you've not read Our Phil's eulogy for Scott Wampler at Fangoria yet, strap in for the wildest, most beautiful and wholly fitting farewell you are ever likely to read 💙
Noted Ho Scott Wampler Once Again Bails FANGORIA EIC remembers noted ho, Scott Wampler.
I have read and re-read Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's beautiful tribute to Bill Walton. This rivals that
Oh my god, I was reading excerpts from this to my mother at breakfast and we were both laughing out loud. I need to find the rest of these! You know someone’s loved when their friends are willing to sit down and absolutely destroy them this way.
Scott was wonderful. This piece only scratches the surface of how brilliant and kind he was. I'm so thankful to the author for writing it. There may be other worlds than this, but this one will never be the same. I miss my friend.
I have told people to play Damn These Vampires as a bonus song at the end of my memorial. For a laugh.
I have stipulations in my will for an open bar at my funeral along with a 2'x'4' crate labeled 'soapbox'. Get sauced, get on the box, say your piece, no white-washing. All the betters and worsts. <3