
this stuff is so aggravating. some of the worst people in the world do this when classicists point out that the ancient world wasn't actually "the white guys, doin stuff!" but a diverse & complex system of relations & then they get like "but what color are the statues" (whose paint has worn off)
I heard that in Gladiator there was going to be a scene involving successful gladiators being used for advertising products but focus groups said it was too unrealistic and distracted them from the movie even though it was basically accurate (idk if I'm remembering all the details right)
Look how upset white supremacist revisionists make Augustus. He's clearly traumatized
the paint wasn't even necessarily worn off, the Victorians bleached them
literally just because some asshole was enthralled by worn old statues. insane shit
I did not know this! A new way for me to outrage the family group chat!
Or that gladiators didn’t fight to the death! It was very pro-wrestling in that you were selling stories and personalities that built following!
There are literally paintings from ancient Rome in Pompeii! With people in them! In colour!