Jason, the Okayest Painter

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Jason, the Okayest Painter


I paint pretty OK minis. I was on some podcasts a while back. Did a couple webseries. Have a blog I need to update at okaytabletop.com.
The irony is that the colonies actually were pretty OK with the king; in fact, they really only recognized his authority, since he wrote the colonial charters establishing each one. It was *Parliament* they had beef with, and whom they felt was overreaching in their authority.
America's been great since 1789. At least the dream of it is. A dream we can still achieve, despite the bad faith actions of those who wish to hoard it for only themselves. We just have to fight for it.
“Voting is a lot like vaccination: it only works if enough of us do it, and the absolute dumbest motherfuckers on the planet try to talk you out of it.” From @torriangray.bsky.social
The ones who want liberty, equality, and fraternity are not willing to be as ruthless and focused on that goal as the ones who want authoritarianism, segregation, and subjugation, and that has to change. *Yesterday.* Cap didn't keep doing this all day for us to sit at home and do nothing.
I've mentioned this before, but not here. MAGA is the word Nigerian 419 scammers use to refer to their marks. It means "idiot."
One of my favorite bits of paranormal ephemera is the fact that John Constantine is reported to have been seen by writers working on his titles. Once he even made eye contact with Alan Moore and is said to have nodded conspiratorially. Moore wisely did not attempt further interaction.
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
yes fighting amongst ourselves is absolutely a productive use of our time right now
Here's a fun thing for DMs: a mirror trap that produces illusory images of the PCs. The images do real damage, not illusory. Hurting the images causes damage to the PC that image reflects. The only way to damage the image is to attack the PC it reflects. Guaranteed fun times for you. 🤣
To Serve Middle-Earth, Gandalf Should Leave the Fellowship
Looks like I'll be selling my Tractor Supply stock. Calling investor relations tomorrow to tell them why.
Man, when the Hellraiser Planet thinks you took it too far with the torture that must mean you're a real piece of shit (looking at you, Moclan Ambassador).
One of the best things The Orville did was center Dolly Parton as the moral heart of the Moclan reform movement.
If you haven't read MAUS I cannot recommend it highly enough.
One good thing about my tendency to be completely oblivious is that the standard tactics of manipulative people don't tend to work on me because they rely on the target realizing they're being singled out or otherwise buy into the passive-aggression, and I just never pick up on that subtext.
Reddit: we will argue with you about your personal experiences and preferences that we have no visibility into, and double down when told we're wrong! Never change. And by that I mean please change.
OH OH OH O RILEYYYYYY ᵇᵒᵗᵗˡᵉᵈ ᶠᵃʳᵗˢ
A store that sells nothing but Mexican desserts custards called OnlyFlans.
Objectively, I do think Andor is the highest quality of the Disney Star Wars shows, but it is also the most like work to me. I can breeze through Mando and Boba Fett (my favorites of the batch), but Andor needs an investment of energy I'm not always able to put in.
Left Eye is dead and we can't get Iggy Azalea into a Honduran rental SUV.
I never thought I'd utter the phrase "was it really necessary to give the dinosaur woman a pair of massive honkin juggs" and yet here we are.
Honestly yeah, I'm kinda surprised too, now that I think about it. We keep going back to Tatooine but not Hoth or Endor. Well, except in that one movie, and *still* didn't see Ewoks. Let us see Ewoks again, you cowards!
At this point I'm genuinely surprised they haven't brought back the Ewoks yet. An uncharacteristic show of restraint, really.
One time I was sleeping over at my friend's house in elementary school while our parents went out and we begged the sitter to let us stay up to watch a Mark Russell comedy special for some damn reason. We didn't understand a damn bit of it but I think it explains a lot, tbh.
I know Cobra Kai is the bad guy because its motto is "Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy" but uh... that's also the attitude we drilled in my Muay Thai classes so... I dunno, maybe Mr Miyagi was wrong about the whole thing.
The one year I go to DragonCon looking to buy a Utilikilt is the year no one had them and I got covid instead.
I am from the south so naturally I will respond to northerners encountering what are for me normal summer temperatures with the same sympathy they reserve for us when ice storms hit. J/k I actually feel bad for them because they don't have the means to deal with it. Like we don't with ice and snow.