
Oh so Mitch is DYING dying
Why do the bad guys get to do whatever they want and also always win?
No principles is a hell of a drug
because we live in a cold, indifferent universe, that does not mete cosmic reward or punishment, and it's all over for us individually when we die
In most systems, it pays handsomely to be an asshole that abuses the rules... ...right up until the rest of the players decide to actually hold you accountable, at which point the fun stops.
And when it's clear that the other players are not likely to hold you accountable (because they recently haven't held anyone accountable), and you're sociopathic or just greedy enough to convince yourself your actions are okay actually, well, that clearly tempts a lot of people.
And since there are so many people, even if only a small % of people have questionable morals/ethics & are willing to be assholes, well, that results in a lot of assholes willing to abuse the system 🤷‍♂️
They don't always. It's just more noticable when they do, because it offends our sense of justice. 1000 horrible people could get soundly punished, and we'd still notice the one who didn't more than the 1000 who did. If bad guys always won, Trump would be President right now.