
Oh so Mitch is DYING dying
Lieberman beat him and he's so mad
It's not so much that he's dying, as it is that Hell can no longer update his operating system
"'Theres a place for me in Hell?' Yeah, it's called 'a toilet'"
Those last few updates seem to have almost bricked the bastard.
It's all the new AI software, his hardware just can't handle it; plus the software needs to steal real thoughts, expression, insights, from a real source.
That sounds right to me. His hardware just isn’t compatible with Asimov’s First Law.
That and he was built with leftover parts from the 1800's bargain bin , and a Scooby Doo villain Halloween mask.
honestly that might make me happier than Kissinger when it happens
It'll be close. In retrospect I should have celebrated Reagan's death way more than I did.
I made up for not celebrating Reagan's death as much as I should have by celebrating Thatcher's death.
I have a bottle of Prosecco waiting for the day. Cheap prosecco, thanks to that asshole
I, too, have a chilled bottle of prosecco. One day, we will toast.
Tiny bottle of scotch, waiting. . . .
The only good thing Lieberman has done is kick off a new rule of three
Well, at least he's dying.
Jokes on you he's been a lich for at least two years. You got to find that phylactery to get rid of him.
Challenge fucking accepted. I'll gather my crew.
i thought november sounded optimistic
Why do the bad guys get to do whatever they want and also always win?
No principles is a hell of a drug
because we live in a cold, indifferent universe, that does not mete cosmic reward or punishment, and it's all over for us individually when we die
In most systems, it pays handsomely to be an asshole that abuses the rules... ...right up until the rest of the players decide to actually hold you accountable, at which point the fun stops.
And when it's clear that the other players are not likely to hold you accountable (because they recently haven't held anyone accountable), and you're sociopathic or just greedy enough to convince yourself your actions are okay actually, well, that clearly tempts a lot of people.
And since there are so many people, even if only a small % of people have questionable morals/ethics & are willing to be assholes, well, that results in a lot of assholes willing to abuse the system 🤷‍♂️
They don't always. It's just more noticable when they do, because it offends our sense of justice. 1000 horrible people could get soundly punished, and we'd still notice the one who didn't more than the 1000 who did. If bad guys always won, Trump would be President right now.
Didn’t I read something that the governor can ignore this?
Offer only valid for Republicans.
There's an argument that basically any governor can ignore these kinds of moves since it interferes with the state constitution usually but nobody's tried it for some dumbass decorum reason I assume.
It's a weak argument on the text of the 17th Amendment, which explicitly gives legislatures this power. The more colorable argument is that laws limiting the choice to somebody of the same party are iffy, arguing that it's a binary either allow appointments or not.
But Kentucky didn't pass that sort of law. They just said no gubernatorial appointments, period, it stays vacant until a special election. That's pretty clearly within their explicit constitutional power.
I think this law replaces a law dictating that the new senator be from the party of the former senator, which was passed in the last couple years and obviously never used.
Right, that's the one Beshear had talked about maybe challenging. In theory there's a not-crazy 17th Amendment argument to make there. But it's very unlikely the courts would agree, those sorts of laws have been around a long time in a good number of states.
Seems illegal and unconstitutional.
The 17th amendment explicitly grants state legislatures the authority to allow the state executive to appoint a replacement ahead of an election. Which means they can also disallow it, which is all they're doing. The seat will remain vacant.
UGH, I appreciate you answering me. Can I hate our Constitution any more?
This is actually weird if for that reason because it actually opens up the possibility of a dem replacement, which the previous law would not allow for. Previously it demanded a replacement from a list of three of the same party of the vacator. This allows a doug Jones possibility.
I feel like the only way we could Doug Jones this seat is if the KY GOP somehow nominates Matt Bevin to serve out the rest of McConnell's term
I mean Doug jones required a pedophile that wanted to bring back slavery to be his opponent. But there is a chance.
It really draws a bright line on what a once in a lifetime moment that was because “not a pedophile” is like the only thing Tuberville has on Moore
also I'm pretty sure Moore would've won it if it had been a regular November election. A rare case of low turnout benefitting the Democrats!
But Kentucky did elect a Democratic governor and I doubt that was because the voters all accidentally filled in the wrong bubble.
I'm all for it, honestly. I do wonder if there are hidden GOP-favoring loopholes in there though.
This party is not the long thinking super geniuses that Biden wants you to think they are when he continues a Trump policy. They are rather dumb and transparent.
Satan is so angry the cake hasn't arrived yet and none of the welcome decorations are up.
This is just a further attempt to restrict the Dem governor’s power over filling Senate seats. They’ve already passed restrictions that largely tie his hands. Though reportedly he can try to ignore all of this & let it play out in court.