
the other difference between this and 9/11 is that Bush is not on tape and explicitly telling Republicans that he preferred to cultivate al-Qaida because of the propaganda benefits of their ineffective terrorism and Netanyahu is
Is he seriously on tape saying that? I'd heard shit to that effect but didn't know how much to trust it. Jesus Christ that's bleak, to know that shit might have been better had he not built up the nastiest possible enemy to provide justification for whatever he wanted to do to Palestinians.
Yeah, that’s worse, but also while ignoring the Bin Laden memo was bad, it’s not like Rumsfeld was woken up at 4 AM on 9/11/01 and warned about an immediate hijacking risk, but decided to ignore it.
Maybe I should have said the Likud-aligned right rather than including the entire Israeli right, but I basically stand by this
if this isn't enough to discredit the Israeli right for the next 50 years in the eyes of the Jewish Israeli population, nothing ever will
If even this can't drive them out of power for generations I honestly cannot imagine anything that would short of some kind of miraculous situation where the US, the EU, China, and Russia all somehow agree to completely cut them off from global trade together
I'm depressingly skeptical that this obvious point will miss the mainstream. That said, I think some of the press is doing a much better job about covering this than what was on the menu 22 years ago...
His father was Vice President of the regime that armed the Afghanistan mujahideen, and as President his term included continuing to pay and support them after the Soviet withdrawal. Not the same, but still not great.