
My god man get a hold of yourselves.
This shit you never seen the GOP do. Ever. They just steamroll through it. I’m not saying ever become like them but the pundits and pols who claim to actually care 100% could just be unified in being absolutely positive about Biden.
I’ve spent a decade saying “I told you so” to the GOP. But “bed-wetting” Democrats is 1000% a thing.
It’s so fucking endemic in the Dem party and the center-center right and left punditry. Like they’re all absolutely addicted to it. They can’t quit it.
Like sure have your moment but Jfc to just let it become your MO is just no bueno. You end up absolutely manifesting all of it. Someone tonight was like ya the universe just seems to be good to Trump and it’s like we’ll all of you just abandon Biden at this super high bar for the moment.
You never seen the Right just leave Trump. He sucks absolute ass every second every breath he takes and the right doesn’t care. We don’t have to become cultish about it but just be unified is all. You’re with Biden or you’re not.
I wasn't thrilled at the idea of Biden running again... But in like summer last year the party had nobody else, so okay, Biden '24 then. I have no fucking idea what people are talking about replacing him now, in fucking late June '24. Like who the fuck are they putting up from scratch? Honestly?
Politico, the rag owned by a trumper
What the fuck is a “donor advisor”?