G. Smith

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G. Smith


Austrian artist. I write poetry and my opinion. Sometimes I watch movies or annoy people online.
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Their voices so loud So crowded their stares Each one of them proud Cause everyone cares They all want to know How messed-up you feel They won't let it go It's too much to deal #poem
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Meine Blaumeise hat gerade 'ne schwierige Phase
If I mark a post as German, what exactly does that do?
Was willst du noch von mir? Du hast mir alles genommen Und ich bin so weit gekommen Ohne Angst vor dir Jetzt stehst du wieder hier ...
All the dreams you grew out of Go bury them outside your gate All those really good answers You thought of twenty minutes late All the cool stuff you purchased You never look at anyway Or the games you could master If someone taught you how to play #poetry
I see a lot of negative reviews online about #DespicableMe4 and I'm surprised. It's by no means a masterpiece but I had fun.
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Achtung: Breaking-News-Situationen erleichtern das Verbreiten von Falschmeldungen - denn in emotionalen Ausnahmesituationen kann passieren, dass Menschen unhinterfragter aufwühlende, spektakuläre Behauptungen verbreiten
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Es wäre angebracht nicht zur Ikonisierung beizutragen und zu kontextualisieren: In den USA gab es in den letzten Jahren einige Akte politischer Gewalt: Paul Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer usw. Die Motive der Täter sind relevant, die Reaktionen der Politik auch.
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Der Unterschied ist, dass für die Demokrat_innen jeder Akt politischer Gewalt schlimm und verurteilenswert ist und für die Trump-Fans nur jene gegen Trump.
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One heartbreaking moment this year was inviting a friend for a family meal and having her in tears because nobody had done that for her in years. It was just a meal.
most people who are not trans women don’t seem to know how terrifyingly isolating it can be to be a trans woman. it’s v possible to have nobody in your corner. at all. no family. no friends. no community. nobody to offer you a kind word or share a meal with you.
I take a vacation for three days and apparently someone uses that time to shoot Trump. And miss. I expected this much in 2016, but not in 2024.
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Omg nach draußen gehen ist wie gegen eine Wand laufen. I hate it here.
Not everyone you like is a friend Not everything that hurts is the end Not everyone around you is near Don't take neglect for fear Not everything you look at you see Not everything that is needs to be Not everyone who runs runs away You choose who gets to stay
This is good.
A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
I see the way he looks at you You say that you're just friends I'm sure that what you say is true But that's not how it ends I see your redirected gaze And you might disagree But in this crowded, noisy place Your anchor isn't me #poem
I'm not what you want And how could you want me? This question will haunt me Until I dissolve Just look where I'm at Why would you look at me But while you forget me I'll grow and evolve #poets
You hug your siblings and your pets I'm not the one embraced And while I'm riddled with regrets I try to act unphased Determined to enjoy what's here I try to push away My disappointment and my fear Until another day #poetry
I envy you for being lost Unknowing who you are I've known myself at much a cost It didn't get me far And if you ever find your way I hope that you will know It takes much more to be okay Than knowing where to go #poem
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Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
#UK giving us a bit of hope there after years of absolute shit politics.
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WhatsApp 16:32 "Ich liebe dich❤💋 16:33 "????" 16:34 "Ups, sorry , falsch Nummer🤷‍♂️" 16:35"Zu spät, ich dich auch."
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Bildhafte Vorstellung von jemandem, den man nicht aus dem Kopf bekommt und dessen Arme aus den eigenen Ohren am Kopf herunter und die Beine aus den Nasenlöchern baumeln.
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Today is the day I watched HIGHLANDER for the first time. That movie is impressively bad.
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Animals should rule the planet again. That whole human thing has failed.
Never thought I'd say this, but at least Hitler wasn't a complete morron. This is the world we live in now. #Trump
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i think it's really important that everyone understands that you, shitposter, reading this now: you have a much better understanding of what happens to people who do favors for donald trump than at least six elite-educated supreme court justices, and probably all nine of them.
Also I would have expected them to game this out a little further and realize this is putting a sword at your own neck. If Trump wins and you piss him off at any point for the rest of your life you're going to be arrested or worse and good luck drawing a distinction about official acts then