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🌞T h e r è s e



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Meer lef in hun teenkootje dan de hele politiek bij elkaar. 🫶 Frietbakkers Franky en Coen starten eigen vluchtelingenopvang in Oekraïne www.nu.nl/spanningen-o...
DPG Media Privacy Gatewww.nu.nl
Ruzie in de tuin , 2 kiddo #grote_bonte_spechten gunnen elkaar de nootjes niet en schommelen heerlijk boos heen en weer!vergroten om ze allebei te zien. Echt een "million dollar moment!!"
The Finnish word for the northern lights is “revontulet”, meaning “fire fox.” The legend is the arctic fox runs so fast across the mountaintops that its tail sweeps sparks and snowflakes up into the sky.
Deze EU verkiezingsuitslag dag maar met een witte roos afsluiten.
9 June 1905 | A Dutch Jew, Eliazar Blok, was born in The Hague. A musician. On 20 January 1944 he was transferred from Westerbork to Theresienstadt Ghetto, and on 28 September 1944 deported to Auschwitz. He perished in Dachau in April 1945.
So Trump is found guilty on all 34 charges. He can't vote anymore being convicted but still he can run for office. Crazy doesn't cover it.
If you’re in the position of being able to spare a little bit of cash, I’m still really hoping to manage to get to WorldCon this summer (planning to present something from my PhD in the academic stream - fingers crossed) and I need to buy my train tickets pretty soon. You can really help:
Support Kate W. - Lore and Ordure Blog on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/loreandordureko-fi.com Support Kate W. - Lore and Ordure Blog On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations
Kernenergie is achterlijk duur Kerncentrale Flamanville 3 in Frankrijk moest in 2012 opengaan, zou 1.840 euro per kilowatt kosten Dezelfde Hinkley-C centrale in UK kost nu al meer dan 16.441 euro per kilowatt en beide zijn nog steeds niet open 23+ jaar bouwtijd decorrespondent.nl/15355/kernen...
Kernenergie: niet nodig, niet slim en niet te betalendecorrespondent.nl Niet minder dan vier kerncentrales wil de nieuwe coalitie gaan bouwen, voor maar liefst 14 miljard euro. Kan dat? En moeten we dat willen? Spoiler: nee en nee.
Voor hen die niet slapen kunnen.. kijk jezelf in slaap met dit heerlijke gifje 😁😴
23 May 1913 | French Jew of Argentinian origin, Sigismond Syskind, was born in Buenos Aires. In 1921 he came to France. He was deported to #Auschwitz on 20 May 1944. Later he was transferred to Sachsenhausen, Flossenbürg and & Dresden where he died of dysentery on 7 April 1945.
Photo taken by photographer Anil Prabhakar in the forest in Indonesia. 
#Orangutan, andangered species, stretching out his hand to help a geologist who fell into a mud pool.
Caption by photographer: “In a time when the concept of #humanity dies, #animals lead us to the principles of humanity.”
Begon goed vanmiddag met Bosma die de toon wilde zetten. 😳
Op zoek naar een nwe bank die in mijn woonkamer past. Blijkt toch wel een dingetje te zijn. Heb nu voor het eerst iets gezien dat zou kunnen maar dat kost ook wat. 😅
So cute Great gif thread!!
“The best part of waking up is Possum in your cup.”
Just a reminder that my work is made with all recycled materials, my goal as an artist is to take things that have been labeled as trash and make them useful again instead of adding them to the ever growing pile of industrial waste around us.
Gonna keep posting pictures of this because I had to hide it for so long to keep it a surprise. If you're looking to commission a blade or other smith work from me, my dance card is open!