
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
for years I've made fun of "conserve water! take short showers!" as California's response to endless drought, citizens taking the heat for hotels and agriculture using the VAST majority of what's left of our aquifer
Or fucking lawns. Does all that grass in the gated communities of Orange County need it? Hell no.
I lived out in the Mojave Desert (Ridgecrest) and the number of people living in the middle of the Desert with lawns was truly distressing. Legit water crisis, sprinklers pissing half the water into the street. Turf lawns need to die.
I don't disagree but compared to agriculture it's basically a rounding error. Here in AZ about 3/4 of the water goes to farming
I'm guessing you didn't live under constant water emergency, where the water in your town was at risk of simply running out? Where the basin is overdrawn by 4 times the rate of refill? The biggest user where I lived is a military base, btw. Not agriculture.
In my hometown (Escondido) a lot of the lawns got converted to drought-resistant landscaping which does kinda kill the illusion that you aren’t in the desert but also integrates with the environment a lot better and looks less artificial
It definitely changes the character of neighborhoods, and that can be hard; but I've seen some really lovely natural landscaping! And I'd take lava rock yards over running out of water any day, really.
We deliberately don’t water our front lawn enough, and the neighbors haven’t complained to us, but we do get a *ton* of business cards left at our door for lawn/landscaping services 😆 (We want to xeriscape but haven’t managed it yet)
We covered our front yard with mulch after the lawn died of thirst. It wasn't super attractive, but it kept the soil intact while we slowly added xeriscaping plants and features. I'd recommend it.
been a long time since I lived there but "if it's yellow it's mellow" is burned into my brain
The personal responsibility for climate disaster messaging has been exhausting my entire life
And largely bs, which just makes it worse (mentally)
It's an extension of the litterbug, the evil pedestrian, and more, always shifting the responsibility to the individual rather than the corporation.
shaming and stigmatizing people isnt an effective strategy for winning at the game of life?! who knew
Oregon did that too, and like… I guess it’s easier to run that add campaign than “if you’re in the shower then pee already” That being said Oregon’s post-timber economy started with hydro and sod, so I can agree to only flush As Needed while still suspecting the source
Wait, didn’t Bush Sr also tell people to only flush shits too?
... I'm kind of scared to ask what that means???
The Resnicks should be funding cooling centers all over the fucking state
there are FOUR golf courses in a 15 mile radius of me lol
I can name at least 10 within 15 miles of me and I hate golf, so there are probably more
I count 19 within ≈ 20km ( 12.4mi ) of me *IN FUCKING PHOENIX* and that’s not including North Scottsdale
I want a future without lawns that has climate appropriate permaculture instead 😑
Because it makes so much sense to build a golf course in that environment there should be many many golf courses!
Fairly appalled that they took a stupid walking sport that can live within the natural landscape in Scotland and went "no! The earth will bend to us!!".
Here in AZ at least (72% of AZ water use is agriculture) farmers are actually incentivized to grow water intensive crops like alfalfa so they don't lose the water rights
There was a huge thing a few months ago where a Saudi company bought up a bunch of AZ farmland to grow alfalfa and ship it to Saudi Arabia for livestock feed with literally unlimited water use
yah only 🇺🇲PATRIOTS🇺🇲 like Nestle are allowed to steal water for their shareholders lol
We can fix Arizonas water problem if we can just somehow arrange for the entire state's agriculture sector to be bought by Saudi Arabia
“Yeah! No FOREIGN farmers can drain our precious desert aquifers!” “… because we’re damn good enough at it”
*jokerfication intensifies*
"Forget it Catbus, it's Jokertown."
As someone who grew up through the late 80s-early 90s drought, some of that is drilled into my head. Then I realize all those lovely flood irrigated orchards in the Central Valley were allowed to do so well after we'd been told conservation is our responsibility. To say nothing of W(o)nderful Co.
I haven't checked on it in a while but at some point a truly egregious % of California's water went to almond groves who's crops were mostly exported 'food grows where water flows' indeed lol
Oh it’s ongoing and getting worse. Every time I drive down into the Valley there’s more acreage of almond orchard going in. Meanwhile the aquifer is squeezed so hard that the Valley itself is dropping by feet in places.
It was either NASA or NOAA that did a ISAR study of the west side of the valley to measure subsidence half a decade or more ago. Over a foot drop in some places. No one in Sacramento wants the heat from reworking water rights or cutting big ag off.
if you really want to get doompilled read 'Cadillac Desert' by Mark Reisner and I'm sure that bleak vista has only gotten worse over the years
The Resnicks screwed the entire central valley up and I had a toilet that took 3 flushes to do its job.
Saudi kingdoms growing alfalfa on state owned land with Colorado river water.
The only time I’ve agreed with Dick Cheney was when he said that all those little individual acts of virtue don’t add up to shit if you’re trying to save the planet