
impressive how much these puff pieces for AI still make the people involved sound like sociopaths
Ten models that exist only in the digital realm have made it to the finals of what's being billed as the world's first beauty pageant involving AI.
Fake beauty queens charm judges at the Miss AI Ten models that exist only in the digital realm have made it to the finals of what's being billed as the world's first beauty pageant involving AI.
"and doesn't talk back" finally one of these fuckers just takes the mask off and says it
I think these people never tried using AI chatbots.
AI chatbots don't say things like "that's not enough pay for my work," or "that's harassment," or "we're forming a union." I'm guessing that's what the guy meant by "talk back."
or "all due respect, sir, that's a stupid idea" or "you're asking the impossible" or "maybe with an unlimited budget and five years, but by next week and on a shoestring? not happening" what they want to hear is "the Mars project is ahead of schedule and under budget, just as per your genius plan"
it doesn't matter if their ridiculous asks are unachievable; the important thing is feeling like they are absolutely in charge and in control even if the box does NOTHING, even if everything outside its purview is an absolute trainwreck, it's working perfectly fine so long as it strokes their egos
literally the whole reason these people want AI is so they can get blowjobs from an android slave