
impressive how much these puff pieces for AI still make the people involved sound like sociopaths
Ten models that exist only in the digital realm have made it to the finals of what's being billed as the world's first beauty pageant involving AI.
Fake beauty queens charm judges at the Miss AI Ten models that exist only in the digital realm have made it to the finals of what's being billed as the world's first beauty pageant involving AI.
just really giving the whole thing away with the "doesn't talk back" bit there huh
Did they interview Borat? Like, is this a bit? Are they doing a bit? Because if they aren't, yikes. If they ARE, yikes. Just yikes all the way down.
I'm so exhausted by the way that every single explanation about the commercialization of human-emulating AI sounds like the end product of someone who started with "Damn it, there's GOTTA be a way to accomplish what slavery had, but without the ethical complaints."
Honestly, I bet if you got some of the AI bros drunk/with a garden hose, they'd straight up admit they'd do slavery too if people weren't going to be violently angry at them for it.
You don't need to get them drunk, just couch it in socially acceptable language and sound sympathetic. Say things like: "It's ridiculous that there are limits on what you can use an unpaid intern for."
oh I had to hear a tech bro openly advocate for work camps for "illegal immigrants" as a "great opportunity for them" there is no cognitive leap necessary for these fucks to get there
"if you feed, provide housing and basic necessities, do you really need to pay your workers?"
"After all, aren't they gaining valuable work experience? In a way, they should be paying ME for the privilege."
If they could get away with it, they would absolutely charge you for the privilege of working there.
I mean, its the same with outsourcing employment. When companies talked about moving customer service to India, it was incredibly transparent what was happening and why.
There has been a centuries long search for a person who doesn't count as people, who can be ethically enslaved. It is fucking gross.
"In the history of many races, there have often been disposable people. They do the work no one else wants to do because it is too difficult or too hazardous." - Guinan, Star Trek TNG 'The Measure of a Man'
It is a product being sold by the worst of us to the worst of us. People who look at other people as anything other than sacks of warm chemicals to be exploited need not apply.
If these people love speculative fiction so much why are they CREATING THE BACKGROUND TO THE ANIMATRIX, WE KNOW HOW THIS ENDS
they aren't able to think through things enough to understand what the animatrix was saying, if they've ever seen it.
I'm surprised this wasn't an entry in the Miss AI competition
Not close enough to feeling like owning a woman.
::Alan Turing has entered the chat::
TECH GUY: (looks at a human being) too many opinions, not enough fingers
damn they really said "damn pesky human workers and their human needs"
Except that these "models" didn't just pop into existence, and don't pose for photos and videos on their own. They've gone from wanting to mistreat a model to actively mistreating a bunch of people who do the actual labor of making these fakes seem real.
Also Walter Benjamin, Susan Sontag, and Jon Berger all wrote about humans viewing photography as "skinning reality" you take something real and hang it on your wall. Models and endorsements work due to this effect. "AI" fake models break this fundamental understanding and appeal.
Exec A: Let's hire a woman to advertise for us. Exec B: Here's one. A: Ok but what if we paid her a lot less? B: This woman will work for less. A: But can we mistreat her? B: Yes but she might get mad. A: Hm what about computer? Be rude to it, don't pay it? B: Done.
"and doesn't talk back" finally one of these fuckers just takes the mask off and says it
I think these people never tried using AI chatbots.
AI chatbots don't say things like "that's not enough pay for my work," or "that's harassment," or "we're forming a union." I'm guessing that's what the guy meant by "talk back."
or "all due respect, sir, that's a stupid idea" or "you're asking the impossible" or "maybe with an unlimited budget and five years, but by next week and on a shoestring? not happening" what they want to hear is "the Mars project is ahead of schedule and under budget, just as per your genius plan"
it doesn't matter if their ridiculous asks are unachievable; the important thing is feeling like they are absolutely in charge and in control even if the box does NOTHING, even if everything outside its purview is an absolute trainwreck, it's working perfectly fine so long as it strokes their egos
literally the whole reason these people want AI is so they can get blowjobs from an android slave
beyond all of the everything, as a redhead, this is stolen valor
People are too expensive so we spent 6 months and millions of dollars to create a creepy facsimile of a human.
6 months, millions of dollars, several hundred megawatt hours of electricity, and several hundred gallons of fresh water.
Also, burn through the whole life cycle of at least 8 SSDs.
Man, it really is ALL the clichés. I bet he knows *exactly* where to pay the lowest price for a g of coke in Ankara.
He's not cool enough for coke. None of these dorks are.
All the sleaziness and exploitation of beauty pageants now with the dehumanization and emptiness of AI
Not to mention enough uncanny valley to make your skin crawl.
"The digital pimp, hard at work."
“Pay no attention to these hypocrites, Neo. To deny the impulse to create subservient women who make us money is to deny the very thing that makes us male capitalists.”
"The woman in the red dress. I designed her." 🐭
Don't really sound like people you want to do business with. . . .
When what you ultimately want is a mascot but can't be honest about it
I hear "Making a fake AI woman was so much cheaper than trying to hour a real one!", and all that says to me is that somewhere, that's a whole bunch of people who are stuck doing the actual grunt work of making and maintaining the cg woman, and they're not getting paid fairly.
Why can’t they just get a sex doll and a tube of lube and save the rest of us the aggravation of putting up with their crap?
Because they want to parade their new gal around and have people say she's pretty and about to being jealous. And also to throw money at them.
"Anime Waifu" for people who are too uncultured to just pick an anime.
Is the reporter clowning on themselves here? Or maybe their editor?