
“Why won’t those coloreds over there abandon their tight knit communities to come be with us non-Nazi whites” is definitely a question that should cause some introspection, and yet.
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
someone already had the totally normal contribution that it's just bc we're "lazy" and "addicted to clout" so
Is the clout discourse back again. I love it.
Whatever happened that absolutely not angry 'I'll suck your dick at 6k' guy?
It was “I won’t suck your dick because you have 6,000 followers.” And I don’t know what happened to that person.
That's the one. My wires crossed because I think the riff became unlocking various tiers of debauchery per 1k past that line.