The Unfinished

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The Unfinished

Purveyor of synth noises; father of two girls, lover of Scandinavia, whimsy & nonsense
My youngest ran her art club at home again today. We were making “sliders”, where part of your picture has to move. I went for a classic monster feature!!!
I had two lucid dreams last night. That has never happened before. Such a strange and wonderful (and, frankly, indescribable) experience.
Having a bit of a lower lip wobble at my girls’ school reports. Just so lovely to read them being described in such effusive words by their teachers. So proud of the little blighters.
Just had a really lovely Zoom meeting about music production. Has really spurred me on to write some new music.
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I can’t believe someone ran over my neighbours loud motorcycle tomorrow morning
Was invited to Art Club by my youngest today. Here is my ebullient teacher. :)
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Sometimes you don't realize how much you say "ooh la la" till they play your 911 call on the local news
Beautiful day for voting out complete and utter bastards.
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Seriously, fellow British peeps, go and vote on the 4th. Don't take it for granted that the Labour landslide victory is a done deal and your vote doesn't matter. Brexit was such a catastrofuck because half the people who had a right to vote on it couldn't be arsed because OBVIOUSLY it was done deal.
One thing that strikes me about the Reform Party (ltd) is that, for me, the word "reform" conjures up imagery of punitive schools for ne'er-do-wells full of discrimination, exploitation and violence. Is it... just me?
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I can't believe we, as a species, invented bread and cheese - two things that require multiple, complicated steps as well as microbe husbandry - and this is the best political system we've got
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Science should invent a self driving car that exactly mimics how you drive. You can then travel as a passenger in it and realise what a totally shit driver you really are.
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more. I acknowledge I'm probably alone in this one but, I genuinely love this film - it's much better than Four Weddings (there, I said it!). And the score by Ed Shearmur's lovely.
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more. And not just for the obvious reason.
Always fun to do this. Here is my lovely, handsome idiot, Frank.
A reminder that the best way to establish that you are who you say you are when you join BlueSky is to post a unique picture of your cat. #proofOfCat is the most valid form of ID
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Occasionally like to buy myself something fabulous from Cherry Records.
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Me: I know panty hose are a little dated but I love how they even out my skin tone Bank Teller: So is this not a robbery? Me: No, it is
Not entirely sure what was happening here but it certainly made me laugh.
Beautiful moment between my wife and I a few minutes ago. Her: “Why are we both watching the cat go for a poo in the garden?”
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find someone who loves you as much as Star Wars fans hate Star Wars
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*Farnsworth voice* good news everybody
Hello handful of people polite enough to follow me on here. I could do with some recommendations of people/accounts to follow on here. Ideally not too much politics. Ta! :)
My wife has managed (somehow) to seal a dozen gyoza inside our favourite pan. The lid will NOT budge. It is completely sealed shut. Impressive stuff.
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Today’s been one of those days where I’ve had to try REALLY hard not to call one of my children a dickhead.
I see the whole “unpopular school prefect” vibe isn’t quite working out on Sunak’s campaign tour.