
Amazing how much all of these guys were just too fucking late to stop someone who they think is an incompetent feeble old man.
old dude who refused to exit the stage long after their moment has passed heal thyself
Also, this is pure nonsense anyway. Why do they all have some weird fantasy about how to run an open Democratic nomination fight, and why do they think it would make people unified and engaged.
Two overlapping foundation stones of the Dem base — labor & black voters — are saying “don’t do this.” That should’ve sealed the lid on this nonsense.
And the delegates. And the Congressional Black Caucus. But the replace crowd keeps insisting it can be done without unleashing chaos.
The replace crowd fucked up by wanting an open primary. The Dems won’t do that. They would switch out Biden for Harris. But they want newsom
I haven’t watched The Daily Show since he came back and my days of not watching it certainly are coming to a middle.
What the fuck does "sanctified" mean? Is he using divine right as a stand in because his idea already did away with the right of any voters to be involved?
it's just gibberish, I think. A fancy word to get through the sentence.
I've lost respect for so many people over the past few months. I know Biden is old. He was old in 2020. He's four years older now. But to invent a entirely imaginary American political scene and process out of thin air instead of seeing what is actually there now is to value fantasy over reality.
Hard-nosed reality? Circle around and support Biden. Assure Harris backers that she's the VP. Don't schedule Biden late at night or after long days in office. Emphasize the Biden *team* and its wins. Freeze out hostile journalists, reward friendly ones. Attack Republicans. Above all, attack Trump.
Yeah; like, if there is a case here it's "Biden's goose is cooked, we have to move on, let's get Harris in there and not miss a beat." The fact that pretty much nobody went for it is a sign they're unserious.
Not sure which of the posters I follow here came up with it (or introduced it here), but Johnny or Jane Unbeatable isn't stepping in to run at the last minute, because they don't exist and never have.
I’d rather white knuckle it. I’m not concerned about the dem candidate but the fact there seems to be a lot of people who what trump. I don’t think who we run changes their mind and I don’t think it changes most dem voters minds either. John has lost me on this one.
They don't want "unity." If they wanted that these narcissists would have run a candidate in the primary to show how much better their chosen candidate is at campaigning. They want to pwn the Dem voters and then laugh at us for having no choice other than their unnelectable, corrupt stand in.