
old dude who refused to exit the stage long after their moment has passed heal thyself
let's not forget he is also responsible for the rise of Fucker Carlson
While I do think Stewart kinda suckd and do think his centrist ass is now outright embarrassingly dated to different age of politics, I do have trouble really blaming him for humiliating Carlson so completely that Carlson made the world worse out of revenge. Not Stewart's fault Carlson is a bitch
It's like how there aren't many things I'll defend Obama on, but I don't think it's fair to blame him for Trump just because Trump is such a crazy thin skinned racist bitch that he ran for President because a black man publically insulted him
Yeah. Stewart was trying to shut down Carlson, and he actually succeeded in the short term. His comeback likely had more to do with his connections in the media industry (and let's face it, his wealth)
The whole thing is honestly a remarkable moment because Stewart basically went on the show and said how this shitty political kayfabe act was literally killing the country because this isn't a game and Carlson's reaction was "Hey! Breaking kayfabe is forbidden! You're cheating!"
Right I seem to recall how Stewart's tirade against Carlson was based around Carlson's both-siderism on Crossfire was a canard to launder (usually conservative) bad faith takes. It's a shame Stewart seems to have forgotten his own lesson.
Amen. I saw him do a stand-up set a few months ago and it was pretty good, but man, do I find the Daily Show completely unwatchable.
I really liked Trevor Noah. Not as thigh slapping funny, but keen, pointed takes & covered a lot of stories most mainstream press doesn’t.
He should have done a Letterman
Gave up on him after the Restore Sanity rally. Had all those people in one place and instead of encouraging them to get out and vote - didn’t even have to say which candidate! - he basically just said “both sides suck.” What a fucking waste of a chance to make a difference.
Relegating important political commentary to comedy is our capitalist overlords' plan. They're laughing at us.
Fuck that guy - he quit when it got "too hard"
Its kind of tragic, he spent so much of his career fighting against dishonest horse race journalism and now embraces it because it happens to support his doomer aesthetic.