
lol “an alliance of Nate Silver centrists and leftists” - I can barely imagine a less competent and trustworthy political grouping than this
So instead you’re joining an alliance of the people who blew the 2016 election and the Heritage Foundation? These are trustworthy and competent people?
Who won in 2020? Which elections, precisely have leftists and blowhard pundits won?
Things change in four years. Biden is now the least likely Dem to beat Trump. Republicans have won many elections and they want Biden on the ballot.
Democrats have won many elections- more presidential than Republicans in the past 30ish years- and they want Biden. Theres also literally zero actual evidence that Biden is “the least likely” Democrat to win. None.
One strong piece of evidence is that Republicans are willing to sue to keep him on the ballot
A. This is the party that chose Trump, twice, even after getting his ass kicked as an incumbent. They don’t actually know what they’re doing.
B. Yes, they want to make it as difficult as possible for Dems regardless of the circumstances. It’s a totally real threat that Dems change candidates and then we get a 5-4 SCOTUS ruling that says “the founders never intended someone named “Whitmer” to be on the ballot in GA, WI, MI, and AZ 😂😂”
Well, that may very well backfire on them.