
Well, if my work Teams spaces are any indication, I'm the only loser who turned up for work today. (Granted, I'm working from home in a pair of draw-string lounge shorts & an old t-shirt, drinking a fancy latte from the cafe down the street, and have a movie playing on another screen. But still.)
Actually, yeah? I kinda love post-holiday workdays where no one else is around, because I can get like a week ahead of everything and not stress when regular business resumes. Not my fault my most productive state is so relaxing! I am as nature made me!
We have a hybrid set up where I have to go into the office three times a week for at least a few hours and I schedule my week so that I can get all of my work done when I’m at home because I get jack shit done in the office. Too many other people who wanna talk to me. 💅
Yeah, I'm obligated to go in about once a week and that one day is always my least productive. That's basically Clear Out the Email Inbox Day every week.
I’m working from home. I expect it to be empty.