David “Handsome Dave” Bishop

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David “Handsome Dave” Bishop


Imperfect Feminist. Not here to make friends - here to make *great* friends. Dead Sexy. San Diego. He/him 🍎
We destroyed them in 2020, we outperformed all expectations in the midterms, we’ll beat them this fall. #NoFear
So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
The number of people who have replied to either argue or bemoan that “MAGA doesn’t care” like that’s the voting bloc we have to mobilize is going to make my brain melt out my ears like taffy on a warm summer’s day
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
If for any reason Joe Biden can't complete a 2nd term, we know who will take over. Her name is Kamala Harris and America already voted for her once. If Donald Trump can't complete a 2nd term, we have no idea who will take over because he TRIED TO HAVE HIS LAST VP MURDERED.
I am here to once again declare that John Cena should star in an Ernest legacy sequel where he plays Ernest P. Worrell's improbably jacked son (it is never explained in any way why he is jacked)
Every August, typeface designers flock to the middle of the desert for a week of sex & drugs, and they erect a large wooden word with all the spacing fucked up. They call it Kerning Man
Still pissed off at the moderators for not challenging Trump’s lies at the debate. And by “the moderators” I mean the pundits and posters on here who haven’t mentioned any of those lies ever since because they’re now more obsessed with Biden’s age than the NYT was with her emails.
I don't take the age thing seriously. THEY PICK A LIE ABOUT EVERY DEM, and the press knows it's some BS but plays along. They know that the other guy is worse in every way, especially his brain. They turned being a war hero into a liability against a fortunate son draft dodger.
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning." - Calvin
One striking detail in this story: The Pastor at Lake Church, where Mark Robinson gave this speech, told me he and Robinson expected these remarks to be "scrutinized." Then the Pastor defended them! (also worth noting Christian Nationalist overtones in rest of speech cc @sarahposner.bsky.social)
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here: newrepublic.com/article/1834...
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!”newrepublic.com Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
I am so bored with the discourse and cannot wait for a week from now when nobody is talking about Biden stepping down and they’ve moved onto a completely different reason why he’s the worst and nobody should vote for him.
Wore the most patriotic t-shirt I own today.
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
the first, second and third most important news stories this week are about the SCOTUS decision, and every columnist spending their time talking about biden old is telling you what they value. we don’t have to indulge them, though, stop your subs, stop clicking, stop talking about them.
Everyone sixty and older should have to watch at least the beginning of The Beekeeper to see exactly how phone scams work. Everyone else should watch the whole thing because it’s great.
Something I’ve been thinking about is if the obvious blackmail of “we’ll keep running stories about your health until you give in and give us an exclusive interview like we’ve been asking for” is something that the NYT has made explicit to Biden or if it’s just implicit.
If only our news media institutions found "ex-president promises to jail and try opponents for treason if he takes back power" as newsworthy as "unnamed aide said current president gets tired after having a full day of work."
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
the sky crashed at Planet Hollywood
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Whomst among us…
OH yesterday, from a cranky eight-year-old, near one of the old London churches: "It's a big building, I GET IT."
Cc: @christinelsloc.bsky.social 💃💃💃
She did it in every American city, too. They started referring to it as the "Taylor Swift bump."
So many unserious people are holding platforms that demand sober judgment, patience and careful analysis. They couldn’t take a deep breath and reflect. But no, THEY KNOW what should happen. I wouldn’t be so upset if they weren’t the same ppl that consistently get it wrong.
What’s your favorite black and white movie? It’s a tough competition. Arsenic and Old Lace is up there. A ton of Buster Keaton. But I think Harvey wins out because I adore Jimmy Stewart and It’s A Wonderful Life is fantastic but already gets talked about a lot.
I am an existentialist and I approve this message.
Conversely, buy anything / everything you want, but when it comes time to move set your old place on fire with everything in it and walk away slowly like a 90’s action hero badass. This was my plan every time we moved but my family was full of jerks with “precious memories” and “clothes”. 🙄
advice from someone who is packing up their home: do not buy one more thing. stop buying shit. acquire nothing else. save yourself.
Worth noting this ruling isn't entirely on SCOTUS, but also on cartoonishly evil city govts, often with Democratic mayors and city councils, who criminalize poverty in the first place. This is equally on them.
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.