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3 opossums in a trench coat; antifascist, book slinger, Qigong practitioner, novice photographer on occupied Shawnee land now called Col OH
I have been seeing a growing amount of what I've been calling "nonsense" with ppl I once respected. Behavior that seems out of character & I've been wondering if covid has changed how they process info & they've all had covid numerous times
Just had the weirdest experience with the secretary at medical clinic I go too. I’m convinced that tons of folks are walking around unaware they have long COVID.
Reposted byAvatar michael
I jumped on the bandwagon & have been enjoying watching some WNBA games. So far, for "my team," I'm looking at Phoenix or Seattle
Guided someone through qigong for about 80 minutes this morning. Her third time being led through warm ups & flows & she's loved it so far. Personally, helping someone relax their nervous system, bring in healthy energy & feel comfortable in their body feels pretty good
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Sweet to have a power outage until 8 this evening when heat index is 101 today. I can cope with it & we barely use our a/c early in the day anyway but I don't know how wide this outage is, how the elderly & those.woth illness may hold up & if it's another forced rolling blackout
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The embodiment of the Dharma is pure like the sky. The river of its assorted blessings is undammed. It brings everything together in a state of self-luminescence. This is the treasury of the blessings of the embodiment of the Dharma. ~ Great Tantra of Vajrasattva
When some ppl are given valid information that contradicts what they were earlier saying, they welcome the info because it brings a more accurate understanding Others just throw temper tantrums
This thread is very informational about the recent scotus rulings not effecting protest encampments (which I & some others believed would be a secondary effect of the recent ruling)
I don’t think that’s the case. The decision basically just overturns Martin v Boise and means that each state’s law is the basis for how homeless encampments are regulated. What was so great about Martin was that it meant cities in the 9th Circuit could only sweep camps if there were shelter beds/
I heard Amanda Seales make the excellent point that the recent supreme court ruling doesn't just effect homeless but, since it's against encampments, it was passed in part to target student protesters making encampments in protest.
Reposted byAvatar michael
New pseudoscience just dropped on YouTube: electroculture. Folks out here wrapping copper wire around sticks & sticking it in a garden bed thinking it will make their crops grow bigger. As both an electrical engineer and a gardener I am already too tired for this nonsense 😹
I feel like, if you were in Columbus at this time, you know where you were when the derecho struck. I was looking out my kitchen window when the wind started going wild. I grabbed my cat & put them in the basement cuz it seemed like a tornado was a moment away
Jun 30 in University District History: Much of campus still in the dark after “The Derecho,” a terrific summer storm with 80 mph winds, wreaks major havoc, fells trees and branches, downs powerlines. In 2012.
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Pretty worried that the fascists are gonna win this election in France today. I will say that I think this is good evidence that fascism is not just a ruling class response to capitalist crisis: most of the ruling/capitalist class clearly prefers Macron (and Biden, etc.).
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Material fact is not opinion. Thing with some self - proclaimed nondualists is they're full of shit but will "nondual" their shit into what they think is a rose but it's still just a pile of shit & will then be befuddled when you turn your nose away from them
I need to remember to not get online too soon after waking & before coffee because I can get unnecessarily critical & argumentative
I stopped by the ISKCON booth at comfest & got this tiny cookbook. I've been wanting to learn to cook veggie meals that aren't bland. Idk if you've ever eaten prasad at an Krishna temple but it's delicious
Remember folks, Israel is a settler colonialist project. Murdering, torturing & imprisoning 100s of 1000s of indigenous ppl & taking their land so Europeans & Americans can take it is literally settler - colonialism.
Pretty fucking tired of seeing ppl going to bat for genocidal pieces of shit.
Stopped by Comfest after work & walked by a booth run by a cat rescue group. I got a couple cat - butt coasters from them
You are worried about Biden being president due to his current mental faculties I have been worried about Biden being president due to his decades long record of war mongering & racist crime laws, habitual lying, & being pro - genocide We are not the same
Reposted byAvatar michael
Dana Bash Reminds Biden He Has 40 Seconds Of Life Remaining
The debate's a lot better if you watch it naked
Preview of tonight's debate
Me, this evening, sensing a great disturbance in the force as I do qigong while 100s of millions of ppl prepare to be lied to by 2 sociopaths (Prothonatory warbler)
Any of yall going to watch two disgusting men debate & repeatedly lie to each other & all of us tomorrow?
An awkward thing about working in a bookstore is customers occasionally like to ask me what I'm reading & it's either an archaic &/or esoteric religious text or a radical book many would consider extremist Not very marketable stuff 🤷‍♂️
I've barely been on here for a while. Kinda miss some of you 🤠