Chloë Lum

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Chloë Lum

Installation artist. Perfume fanatic. Chronically ill. Communicates with objects. Concordia University PhD student (disability studies + performance studies + practice-based research.) Ex jammer, current failure. She/her Edmonton/Montréal
Maybe it’s time to reassess the idea that fiction instils empathy?
two literary lions down in the same week, I’m so disgusted
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It’s funny that rest is so undervalued in society when the number one trope in any fiction between a doctor and patient is the doctor emphasizing “GET SOME REST.”
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Happy #primeweek! I just want to let y’all know that the Amazon shipping warehouse where my husband works is denying workers fans during a nationally recognized heat emergency and everything you order during time week places workers’ lives at risk.
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Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions Via THR
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions
Seeing a lot of folks using AI images in their newsletters and blog posts and it’s a guarantee that I won’t read. It you disrespect art enough to use the plagiarism machine, why should I trust you aren’t using it to generate the text as well?
The Moby Dick bot is my new favourite thing.
Humph! in my poor, insignificant opinion, I regard this as queer.
Just had the weirdest experience with the secretary at medical clinic I go too. I’m convinced that tons of folks are walking around unaware they have long COVID.
I joined a zone 3 fb gardening group because my new place in Edmonton has a very neglected yard I need to do something with. Not only is it a hub of climate change denial, but folks are ready to throw Roundup on their yards in the most casual way. I’ve always lived in apartments so I’m shocked.
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Why the Disability Earnings Cap Is Holding People Back via
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"The Harper government was notorious for its disdain of the civil service, academia, and more. The current Conservative party is becoming more personal, even vicious, and the Sereda example was a clear escalation."
A safe supply doctor effectively being threatened with jail; economists attacked. Under Pierre Poilievre, the Conservative Party's attacks on experts have accelerated: blunter, nastier, and more personal. Is this the future in Canadian governance?
Bruce Arthur: ‘People should be afraid’: Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives have been targeting experts. Is this just the beginning? Experts whose research and opinions don't dovetail with the policies of Pierre Poilievre's Tories are becoming political targets, Bruce Arthur writes.
Some things that make access for certain disabilities, reduce access for other disabilities which is known as an access clash. It can be awkward to be a disabled person when the go-to access feature makes things less accessible for you. It’s hard AF to self advocate in these situations.
It’s really hard to be a person.
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After having my hands in it for only a few minutes, my fingers felt like eels, and began, as it were, to serpentine and spiralise.
I have no idea what’s blooming nearby, but the air smells like the most gorgeous perfume.
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true posters upload our brain waste directly to the web
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Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
Somehow the internet is full of ‘former gifted kid’ memes again, which is always kind of off as a vibe. We should normalize having been weird, mediocre little children.
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JSTOR: “people trust us too much. I know! Let’s destroy our reputation with half-assed autocomplete!”
Nothing is sacred anymore.
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if you’re a trans ally, please consider
You can contact the Labour Party here if you would like to ask them why they are meeting with JK Rowling, who is on record denying Nazi crimes against trans people. You can also ask local candidates at their offices, on the doorstep etc.
Contact – The Labour We want to hear from you – here are the ways to get in touch.
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Mask bans are eugenics and ableism coded in law and I would have loved to see people who think they will be able bodied forever (spoiler, you most likely won’t) care about this too.
As a former jammer, curent artist, I often have public presentations of my work. Each time, I’ll get tons of messages from people apologizing for not coming, often from people I barely know or am not in touch with. It always deflates me & is an energy suck, even when the event is successful.
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Counterpoint public transit should be free and not expected to turn a profit and we can do that with things like congestion pricing anyway I guess I’ll be governor of NY if no one else wants it
Seriously! My TL is awesome because I follow tons of scholars, journalists, and disability advocacy folks. Feeds are a great way to find cool folks to follow. I also mute people whose vibes are not for me.
If you hate your TL check out some new feeds
Me, except I’m also bad at winter. I’m just terrible at weather.
oh my god