
Oh look, more unhinged hate-raging from a self-regarding lefty! Zero substance, zero engagement with anything I actually wrote - just straight-up mendacious lying, as I am obviously not accusing those I criticize in the piece of being Nazis.
The thing you should know about Haselby, who I have never met or talked to, is that he’s the closest I’ve ever had to an online stalker. He’s been raging against whatever I say for years. I share that fate with many other academic historians.
He’s one of the most toxic, most pathetic people I’ve encountered online. Entirely driven by grievance and envy - fully untethered from truth and factual accuracy. If you fall for his lowest, most mendacious form of straw-grasping, you are not a serious person.
Just utterly deranged, unhinged, mendacious lying. And yet, go through the likes he’s gotten for this (on ex-Twitter): You’ll find some prominent leftwing intellectuals along them who evidently have absolutely no problem with mendacious lying.
I've never even heard of him! (Until right now.)
The fact that you've never heard of him is a personal insult to him, Sarah, and he will now let you know about it at great length.
I forgot you're connected to MSNBC now, so he'll definitely have an axe to grind with you soon enough, as he has an entire conspiracy theory about "MSNBC corporate liberal something something" It's pure undistilled batshittery.
You may just want to block the guy and move on. There's not much to gain by engaging with guys like that, ask me how I know.
Have blocked him years ago. Others alerted me. Wasn’t going to react until I saw that some very prominent people are liking and propagating his post, including Daniel Bessner himself.
I had an interaction with a Philosophy guy from Pitts, who basically suggested that Trump wasn't so bad an option and liberals were essentially to blame for everything ("Clinton and her many crimes"). I suggested he may consider the collateral damage of Trump 2.0, enough to earn me an instant block.
I see. Yeah, there's a strange energy in some of these circles.
I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with this. Have you tried blocking him?
Have blocked him years ago. Others alerted me. Wasn’t going to react until I saw that some very prominent people are liking and propagating his post, including Daniel Bessner himself.
Same here. I thought about sending him a condolence card to apologize that a cable news show once dared to invite me to come on when it was clearly *his* rightful spot by birth, but I'm not sure anything short of extensive therapy is going to wind him down.
But, as you say, we're in good company. The last time he ranted me (before I figured out how to block him on Google alerts), I looked at his feed and just in one morning he had taken shots at me, Tim Snyder, Ruth Ben Ghiat, Michael Kazin and more. No one is clean in his eyes, except of course him
gotta admit tho given this guy's views on identity politics this is the funniest conceivable response to you
I am also curious if he thinks it is unfair if anyone notices when pro-Israel voters donate to MAGA candidates. Even if this take was correct about the piece, it's not like the 2020s make logical sense re: categories of the 1940s.
i "like" how between tweet 1 and 2 he jumps from "soft on nazis" to just "nazis"
That's definitely the fastest example of "That escalated quickly!" I've ever seen.
This is basically libelous.
Das sollte neben "ad hominem" als Beispiel im Lexikon stehen.