
Yeah. Blocking me because I said maybe trans people in the US are maybe more imminently at risk of death than jewish people right now is an absolutely well reasoned response. For what it’s worth, I know antisemitism is still alive and a problem. I sympathise entirely and think it needs addressing
But if you think trans people in the US aren’t in exactly the same place jewish people were in 1930’s germany, you’re sadly mistaken. It’s only because we learn from history they can see now is the last possible moment to defend and protect themselves and their families and friends.
This is a bit like having kids Your parents etc can tell you all about it, and counselors etc will tell you about all kinds of things but you don't viscerally understand until you finally have a kid in a cradle in your home. You won't understand real persecution until you begin to experience it.
Exactly the point I tried to make. And absolutely Jews don’t have it great right now, especially as there are some people being antisemitic under the guise of being anti-zionist because they feel they can get away with it. But they’re not being targeted by the Federal and most state governments
I had my job specifically threatened by a local GOP candidate for school board. A TV news anchor told me flat out to avoid the public meeting about my employment because my life was in danger. I hid in my house for six weeks on unpaid leave with a loaded rifle. That radicalized me.
I blocked both of them. I'm not going to be lectured about my personal experiences or those of my T sisters and brothers.
I didn’t have to block them. I got blocked.
You were being nicer than me, but I saw very quickly where this was going. The crack about "you must learn to form communities" was particularly precious, since in one paragraph she made me absolutely sure I wanted no part of any community with her and that took some talent!