
If you are disappointed with how Senator Dick Durbin has handled Justice Thomas' corruption, Justice Alito's open insurrection, and how each of the other four conservative justices lied in their Senate Hearings, you can fax him for free to let him know how upset you are with him. Big, screechy fax. Send a fax to anywhere in the U.S. or Canada for free.
Imagine how loud and annoying it would be if the fax machine in Dick Durbin's Washington, DC office were running all the time.
Props to the post that prompted this.
Ppl are retweeting this and I just want to add that faxing is THE most annoying thing to do to your representatives. There are websites where you can fax for a small fee and those machines are LOUD and then at the very least they have to deal with all the print outs.
My Representative is not accepting faxes currently, and I sincerely hope that it’s because of this good work.
Making my voice heard and it sounds like "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
Here's what I sent... "Senator Durbin: I am a constituent, as I live in Chicago (zip code 6----). I'm curious if you think of yourself as a coward (due to your unwillingness to use your position on the Senate Judiciary Committee)...
or if you prefer to think of yourself as a fascist-enabler (due to your unwillngness to defend democracy in general). Either way, please know that I will be doing everything in my power to make sure that this is your last term in the US Senate...
and that anyone you endorse will be associated with your cowardice. Your political obituary will note that you abandoned democracy for institutionalism, which isn't in the Constitution. Sincerely...