*Checks Notes*

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*Checks Notes*


Reformed sportswriter, now semi-retired. Bama-born, Nevada-based. Also, apparently a lover of hyphenated words.
The temperature reached 120 today here in Vegas -- that's 3 degrees above the all-time record -- so if anyone needs me I'll be here in my underwear sitting in front of the AC.
I sat through the entire three hours of "Horizon: An American Saga, Chapter One" without a single bathroom break. A red-letter day for me. Feeling unstoppable today.
Is it wrong for me to find Jiminy Glick the funniest thing on the internet? (I am almost 60 years old so the answer to this question is "I don't care.") Martin Short has been doing this character for more than two decades, and the schtick still leaves me in stitches. www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoUA...
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New diet plan. It involves not eating for the next 2.5 months since that would entail moving from in front of my air conditioner.
At this moment, Luka Doncic's plus-minus is -24 in 25 minutes played. I know that statistic can be overrated, but ouch.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: When I was 16 years old, a deranged man shot another man in an attempt to impress an actress.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I still buy songs on the iTunes Store
My great-great-grandfather's death notice. My great-grandfather was the one chopping down the tree when he was in his late teens. I never met either of them but have been told my great-grandpa never got over this, as you might imagine.
A large park 2 miles from has an interesting pair of events scheduled for this weekend. On Saturday, a Gay Pride event. On Sunday, a Trump rally. Temps both days in the low 100s.
Me to myself: I spent too much money this month. Need to do better. Also me: I just got paid! Let's go shopping!!
With regard to the dude who claims he disguised himself as a black man to write a book about racism (I'm not boosting this yahoo's work so not naming him or the book): I've got $5 that says it never happened.
Should be a national holiday.
Happy Perfect Date to all who celebrate
Which pick-me-up movie should I see this fine Sunday: the dystopian near future Nic Cage thriller where evil lurks at night, or the one where the U.S. is torn asunder and is at war with itself? Tough call.
It will not likely make it to 60 degrees here in the Vegas valley today, and with windy conditions it will feel downright cold. Very unusual for us this time of year. However, we will not even approach the record low for this date. 1/
Moon setting this morning from Henderson, NV
Do people really believe Boeing had this guy whacked AFTER he testified? Next you'll be telling me the doors are falling off Boeing's planes mid-flight. Wait a minute...
Damn. That’s awfully convenient for Boeing.
As an Alabama native, I feel the need to remind you Katie Britt was the less radical of the top two Republicans running in the 2022 Senate race.
The sins of the great-great-grandfather something something Biden something something.
I'm a sucker for peer pressure. Here's a QT with a little me.
Maybe QT With A Little You? 💕
Give the Chiefs credit. They were, by my estimation, no better than 4th or 5th best in the league. They just kept finding a way to win and advance. Experience matters. I bet the 49ers but tip my hat to KC.
So proud of my alma mater today. Jacksonville State Gamecocks win in first FBS bowl game, finish 9-4. Incredible season.
I saw Napoleon today and after great consideration I can safely say: It is long.
What's the over-under on when they come out with "Just the Stuff?"
has science gone too far
End of feed.