
Wow was not expecting that snake
I like him and agree with him. I think he and Lloyd Doggett are on the bleeding edge of what is soon going to become a tidal wave. I expected the deliberation period to last longer than this... I still think Biden should wait until after the GOP convention to decide. But now idk.
But the most important thing is that no matter what happens, we unify behind whoever the nominee is to stop Trump in November.
This is just propaganda, step back and watch who mimics this message and count them as treason partners. Then continue as if nothing happened the traitors can’t beat Biden in the election so they will continue these attempts until he stops them or dies
Enough to know that they would try this. How telling is it that the people who are asking Biden to step down, don’t mention the treason rat on the other ticket, who is in worse shape physically
Julián Castro absolutely DID mention the treason rat on the other ticket. He started with that. It's because the threat of Trump is so serious that we need to be very serious about seeing the truth when it comes to thinks like whether our nominee has passed an age threshold.
But absolutely, yes, I would vote for Joe Biden's damn ghost over Trump. Biden could be 100 years old and I'd still vote for him over Trump. Of course, of course.
If people wanted Julian Castro on a ticket he would already be the front runner. All he did here was punch Biden from the left flank. Totally slimy politics , and politics is war.
I have zero doubt in my mind that if Joe Biden stays in, and leaves the Democratic convention in August as our nominee, Julián Castro will offer him his full throated support (as will I) and even be a campaign surrogate if he can help.
And the only name Castro mentioned was the only name that could realistically replace Biden if he stepped down: Kamala Harris. Not his own. I really don’t think he’s trying to be president himself. (Not in 2024 anyway, I would love to see him as president one day)
And not to belabor this, but one more thing: even though Castro is generally to the left of Biden, I really don’t think you can describe this as a “punch from the left.” He actually didn’t even mention policy because it’s not about policy. Joe Biden is too old. That’s not a left-right thing.
I say left because he is a democrat, (left) And if he wasn’t angling to make this a news story he would have just emailed Kamala