
CASTRO: "I actually don't see a path now for president Biden to stay in this race in the long term. [...] There are better options out there for Democrats. We have a stable of folks who could do a better job, including Vice President Harris."
'Another Democrat would have a better shot' at beating Trump than Biden: Julián President Biden has been facing growing concern from Democrats about his age and wellbeing since the debate. New York Times Chief White House Correspondent Peter Baker, former HUD Secretary Julián Cas...
Wow was not expecting that snake
I like him and agree with him. I think he and Lloyd Doggett are on the bleeding edge of what is soon going to become a tidal wave. I expected the deliberation period to last longer than this... I still think Biden should wait until after the GOP convention to decide. But now idk.
But the most important thing is that no matter what happens, we unify behind whoever the nominee is to stop Trump in November.
*and note who is revealed as an actual enemy at the moment.
This is just propaganda, step back and watch who mimics this message and count them as treason partners. Then continue as if nothing happened the traitors can’t beat Biden in the election so they will continue these attempts until he stops them or dies
Enough to know that they would try this. How telling is it that the people who are asking Biden to step down, don’t mention the treason rat on the other ticket, who is in worse shape physically
Once again wondering who these unbeatable candidates are
Nobody is unbeatable. Joe Biden could win. Kamala Harris could lose. It's a question of whether he has 4.5 more years of being president left in him, and after the new evidence of Thursday's debate I'm finally persuaded to say I don't think he does.
I’m voting for Biden even though I fully expect him to retire 2 years into his term. It isn’t really Biden or Harris. It’s Biden and Harris.
That's an interesting position. But that's not the case he's been making to voters. If we expect him to only last 2 years, why shouldn't we just be honest and put his inevitable replacement Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket now?
Because the appearance of unanticipated instability -- which the media will hype for days or longer -- plays directly into the b.s. T has been spouting since the days of Sleepy Joe. Imagine: "See, we were right all along! Dems are liars and frauds just like we said."
The hard part of this is that it involves eating crow. For me, certainly. I dismissed concerns of Biden being too old. Repeatedly. On this very website. I shouldn't have. My only defense is that the evidence we had before the debate was not *quite* as bad. But I still should have seen it.
It's been a week since the debate and now some Democratic officials are bailing - that's a sign, at least to me, that they have not been impressed with the Biden campaign's response. I think people need to focus more on Team Biden than Biden individually. Is the Campaign up to the task?