
Misty De Méo
Misty De Méo
Game history, programming, nonsense.

Multimedia blog:
John Jackson
John Jackson
Natural History Museum London science and humanities research, collections, laboratories and libraries - John Jackson - own views - 🦇🐝🦂🐞🦖🦀🦒🌳🍄🌎☄️ &c
Phil Laugher
Phil Laugher
Bookish, bikeish, brewish, bluish. He/him. Kjipuktuk. Burgeoning Digipres/Archives person, former tome-slinger & metadataist. Coffee crusher. Critcat/Critarch.
Sam Cross (she/her)
Sam Cross (she/her)
Archivist and all around pop culture nerd. Plus I like to write about archives and archivists in pop culture! I'm a real catch! I can probably talk about other things. Maybe.
Ben Gross
Ben Gross
VP for Research & Scholarship, Linda Hall Library; Author of The TVs of Tomorrow-How RCA's Flat-Screen Dreams Led to the First LCDs (Chicago 2018). Posting in a personal capacity.
Grant Tremblay
Grant Tremblay
Astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics | Vice President, American Astronomical Society
Robert McNees
Robert McNees
Professor and physicist. Black holes, quantum gravity, cosmology. Rocky Top. Tar Heel. Reposts are spooky action at a distance. These are my views, not my employer's. Just terrible at this.
Mike Boylan-Kolchin
Mike Boylan-Kolchin
Dad, husband, astrophysicist, dog herder. Professor at UT Austin. Views expressed here are mine.
rebecca frank
rebecca frank
Asst Prof @ UTK iSchool
she/her. digital preservation & curation, risk & disasters, open data.
@[email protected]
Janet D. Stemwedel
Janet D. Stemwedel
Academic philosopher, lapsed chemist, occasional science writer, perpetual ethics booster. All views my own. (she/her)
Elisabeth B
Elisabeth B
Rare book librarian in the Midwest, tea and fountain pen enthusiast, cat lover.
Ed Summers
Ed Summers
This is a trap.
Mat Kelly
Mat Kelly
Assistant Professor at Drexel CCI
WS-DL & ODU CS alum

Creator of web archiving software: WARCreate WAIL Mink ipwb
Catherine D'Ignazio (she/her/ella)
Catherine D'Ignazio (she/her/ella)
Hacker Mama/Artist/Designer/Coder/Writer/She/Ella Assoc Prof of Urban Science @MITdusp, Director, Data + Feminism Lab, Co-author #DataFeminism, hablo castellano
Patrick McCray
Patrick McCray
History professor @ UC-Santa Barbara
I write about sci/tech/art/computing
Orophile 🚵 🎣 🏔
Will Thomas
Will Thomas
Director of Research in History, Policy, and Culture - American Institute of Physics
Dan Cohen
Dan Cohen
Vice Provost/Dean/Professor at Northeastern University
Karin Wulf
Karin Wulf
Historian of #VastEarlyAmerica | Director & Librarian @ JCBLibrary | History Prof @ Brown

#LineageTheBook OUP 2024 | Yes I’m over there, and there, not there but there — and also @
katie mackinnon
katie mackinnon
postdoc @ university of copenhagen

internet histories, web archives, digital youth cultures, social media platforms
Jessica Otis
Jessica Otis
Early modern British historian of science, digital humanist, first book, By The Numbers: Numeracy, Religion, and the Quantitative Transformation of Early Modern England, now out from OUP
Mo Pennock
Mo Pennock
Digital preservation, collection management, and risk. Interdisciplinary perspectives.

Academic practitioner at British Library; Research Associate at University of Dundee

Mum. Swimmer.

ORCiD: 0000-0002-7521-8536
Finch Collins
Finch Collins
Assistant Curator of Rare Books at Linda Hall Library | trans/queer early modern history, science & society, books & bodies | posts my own
Paul Guinnessy
Paul Guinnessy
Physicist, Journalist, Director of Digital Experience. All views are my own, not my employer. Fan of Film Festivals, Opera, and theater. Believer in buying two books for every one leaving the house. Doing my bit to reduce climate change impacts.
Sarah J. Jackson
Sarah J. Jackson
Professor studying the role of Media & Tech in Movements for Justice | Co-director Media, Inequality & Change Center | Currently Writing a Cultural History of African American Mediamakers

Opinions definitely my own.
VJ Nannini
VJ Nannini
Previously: US Army (25 years)
Currently: High School Physics T
Which is tougher? Depends on the day 🙃
Nicolò Maccaferri
Nicolò Maccaferri
Assistant Professor in Condensed Matter Physics, Group Leader and Wallenberg Academy Fellow at Umeå University (Sweden) | ERC awardee
Maxim Cherkashin
Maxim Cherkashin
Once did an experiment, and can't stop.
Postdoc: sonicating things to help light get through them, photoacoustics, biomedical optics,
Dad of 2
Takes in: coffee and music, outputs: questions
Vince Needham
Vince Needham
Physicist and IT specialist with the Physics department of Kansas State University when he isn't busy riding his bicycle.
American Institute of Physics
American Institute of Physics
Advancing the physical sciences with a unifying voice of strength from diversity.
Bergis Jules
Bergis Jules
Perry Collins
Perry Collins
Grantmaker, librarian, new mom, living in Gainesville, FL. Digital humanities, grants, copyright, library publishing, reproductive health, paper and fiber crafts.
Mita Williams
Mita Williams
(Law) Librarian from South Detroit.
Meg Phillips
Meg Phillips
Archives. Records. Open government. Doughnuts.
Jenny Odell
Jenny Odell
Amanda Wyatt Visconti
Amanda Wyatt Visconti
💻@ScholarsLab directing (personal acct, though)
🧪Experimental/digital/public humanities+library futures
🌈Just+joyful community, design/dev for collab research

↩️ DH TT prof/Lit PhD/Info+HCI MS
Né twitter @literature_geek
Stephen Robertson
Stephen Robertson
Professor of History at George Mason University; co-creator of Digital Harlem; author of Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935, https://harlemindisorder
Jason Rhody
Jason Rhody
Senior Director of Engagement Strategy (@MLANews). #HuMetricsHSS. Former: @SSRC_mtp, @NEH_ODH, @UMD_MITH, PhD English (UMD), #altac. Opinions mine.
Matt Gold
Matt Gold
Associate Prof of English and Digital Humanities at CUNY Graduate Center. Director @cunycommons @cunygcdi @cbox. Co-Editor @dhdebates. Co-PI @ManifoldScholar.
Nate Sleeter
Nate Sleeter
Teaching and learning, digital history, history of education.
Adam Kriesberg
Adam Kriesberg
I am the person who is using this app. LIS faculty, archives/digital preservation/ data management/information researcher.
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media leverages technology to democratize history.
Lorcan Dempsey
Lorcan Dempsey
Librarian, writer, adviser. Father, emigrant, Irish.
Rachel MacGregor
Rachel MacGregor
Digital Preservation Officer at the Modern Records centre, University of Warwick. Interested in digital preservation, archives and public engagement. Views my own unless a repost. She/her.
Stewart Varner
Stewart Varner
Managing Director, Price Lab for Digital Humanities at Penn

Morning person, bike guy.

Hannah Alpert-Abrams
Hannah Alpert-Abrams
labor, humanities, higher education, & copying machines.

AFGE Local 3403 VP

tennessee based | tsalagi and tsoyaha lands
George Oates
George Oates
Computress. Running Should probably start a Bluesky account for
Chad Nelson
Chad Nelson
Angelino. Photographer. Parent. Tech Lead. Erstwhile Librarian. Generator Generator. low key gooner. Real time jingle blaster.
David Underdown
David Underdown
Data Engineer at The National Archives. Digital Preservation/Digital Archiving. Also cycling, bellringing, photography, choral singing, promming and much more