Amanda Wyatt Visconti

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Amanda Wyatt Visconti

💻@ScholarsLab directing (personal acct, though)
🧪Experimental/digital/public humanities+library futures
🌈Just+joyful community, design/dev for collab research

↩️ DH TT prof/Lit PhD/Info+HCI MS
Né twitter @literature_geek
I love that #SHARP2024 gave one of its two conference keynotes to a graduate student researcher—for one, it gets fresher perspectives wider attention at the event & hopefully provokes new ideas for all but two, it usefully disrupts the typical conference hierarchies—more conferences should do this
“What if downloading an ebook meant not just downloading a text to read but downloading an entire content farm, the mere act of turning the pages spawning shadow versions of the text, individualized and customized to targeted preferences, populating platforms the original reader will never see?”
A (very) short talk I just delivered at the SHARP conference in Reading about a large language model embedded inside of a font and the implications of the post-GPT textuality. llama.tff here:
My mind is a little broken by the reality of llama.ttf, which discussed in his position paper for our #SHARP2024 roundtable "AI in the Communications Circuit." As described at "llama.ttf is a font file which is also a large language model" 🤯
A (very) short talk I just delivered at the SHARP conference in Reading about a large language model embedded inside of a font and the implications of the post-GPT textuality. llama.tff here: llama.ttf is a font file which is also a large language model and an inference engine for that model.
A (very) short talk I just delivered at the SHARP conference in Reading about a large language model embedded inside of a font and the implications of the post-GPT textuality. llama.tff here:
This year, I've been exploring questions of AI in higher ed/the classroom w a good friend/colleague. We hosted a faculty learning community & dedicated an entire season of his podcast to this. Check out our final episode, a reflective convo about our yearlong journey:
FFL SHOW NOTES Summary The hosts of Faculty Futures Lab look back on the most recent season of the podcast, which has been focused entirely on the many ways that generative AI has impacted higher ed. Dr.
What are folks' favorite resources on the importance of work that maintains (rather than innovates), particularly in Library and DH circles?
Thanks so much, I appreciate hearing that. For many years, I wrote & presented on these topics outside of the gated journal system (and journals didn't want to publish them). Those pieces are buried. This is an attempt to rectify that & bring discourses & projects together in one place.
These practices challenged dominant institutional collecting priorities, empowered communities to collect their own histories, and forever changed requirements of preservation infrastructure. And, are still powerful. Here is the "accepted version" copy:
A thing I wrote is now out in the world: It is a short review essay of how historians and archivists have been using the web since the '90s (US perspective), to collect personal histories & eye witness accounts following current events & reflecting on the past
“Share Your Story”: Legacies of Online In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, we as historians knew that we had witnessed a major set of events and that we would not be able to fully ass
AITK is a fantastic set of Google Colab notebooks for getting non-computer science undergrads working with the basics of machine learning and neural networks, designed by 3 SLAC professors. Gonna use this in my "Critical AI Studies" course next spring.
GitHub - ArtificialIntelligenceToolkit/ Contribute to ArtificialIntelligenceToolkit/aitk development by creating an account on GitHub.
If you missed our radio show last Friday you can check out me,, and the gang playing with The Hard Modes on WTJU's Offbeat Roadhouse. Link to the recording here - Was a fantastic time! The studio audience was also packed, which was a treat.
Recent Shows - WTJU 91.1
Last week, I sewed and glued my way through the SF Center for the Book's core bookbinding intensive. A good break from reading books, right? #DHmakes
+ "The People and The Library" is by, Ben Remsen, Kristin Campbell, Gregory Benjamin, Katrina Clark, Betty Beaufort, Irv Acklesberg, Kate Goodman, Erik Ruin
The People and The Library: "an oral history of the coalition that united Philadelphia to challenge the logic of austerity, protect public goods & save 11 branch libraries...reflections on importance of the commons, enduring legacy of movement victories, access to non-commercialized public space" +
"Dismantling White Supremacy in Libraries" is a mini- #zine w/starting points (prompts, resources) for doing just that. By, Laurin Penland, Leah Kerr:
Reserve & Renew: The LIS Mental Health #Zine explores the intersection of mental health/illness & the library+archives community. By Kate Deibel, Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Nicole Gustavsen, Liz Chenevey, Kelly McElroy, Jess Fenander
Reserve and Renew zine – LIS Mental
Disorientation Guide to Librarianship is a 2021 #zine (ed. & 23 contributors), "an accessible resource for people who are unfamiliar w/structural oppression+injustice in librarianship...a critique of library values & a guide for people fighting injustice in librarianship"
Disorientation Guide to Librarianship – Violet B.
Following on recently sharing book history+GLAM/textual studies #zines from my collection (, some adds to my ongoing zine thread on GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, museums) + mental health, dismantling white supremacy, collective action, & other social justice:
Officially launching CariDiScho 2024. Many new things this round: dozens of new entries, whole new design, obituary section, new filters, keyboard and swipe support, and new feedback forms. Enjoy! A Directory of Caribbean Digital Scholarship
Galey points to this edition of bpNichol’s *First Screening* as the closest thing we have to a scholarly edition of a born-digital work—& encourages us to think more broadly about the "scholarly edition" so as to include a carefully-curated site such as this #SHARP2024
bpNichol's 'First Screening' -- Introduction by Jim Andrews, Geof Huth, Lionel Kearns, Marko Niemi and Dan First Screening by bpNichol -- Introduction
Fascinated by Alan Galey’s provocation at #SHARP2024 — why, despite decades of discussions about digital scholarly editions, are there no scholarly editions of born-digital texts? We increasingly teach & take born-digital literature seriously, but we don’t create scholarly editions of it (yet)
Trying to use up scraps but somehow my scrap piles keep getting bigger! Pretty happy with my first English paper piecing project though #DHmakes 🪡🧵
There’s not a lot of official messaging lately but we all know what to do by now. If not getting sick is important to you, masks (especially good ones, and especially in crowded/poorly ventilated spaces) are helpful, testing before gatherings is helpful, being up to date on vaccines is helpful.
Just FYI we’re entering a summer Covid wave right now (especially western regions in the US); you can see it in the CDC wastewater plot here (and anecdotally a bunch of my friends are suddenly testing positive).
Wastewater COVID-19 National and Regional CDC’s National Wastewater Surveillance System, U.S. National trends
Poetry is weirdly prominent in LLM conversations. But what do models really "know" about poetry? We tested how well LLMs can recognize 20+ poetic forms in English & probed major pretraining datasets to see which poems might be memorized. New preprint:
If you care about the way AI is steamrolling environmental concerns you might be interested in this (free, online) conference happening in July—program just posted, and link to register:
Rethinking the Inevitability of
Got the green light to convert a blog post into a peer-reviewed article submission. Always tell my students - don't throw anything away.
🌟 On July 1 I'll start a new job as Drctr of Creative Rsch @ the Metro NY Library Council, a state-funded non-profit that connects hundreds of libraries + archives across NYC + Westchester Co. They created the job for me! I'll still do rsch + tchg (incldg my own), but in service to the commons :)
my main goal is to not traumatize anyone, and we will spend a good 20 minutes on why you should make choices for *you* and not for anyone else
I'm going to be talking about what to expect when you're expecting to go on the academic job market on July 10 @ 10am Pacific, 1PM Eastern w . We'll talk about what happens to you and some BTS info to be mindful of Register here!
Navigating the Academic Job Market, featuring Heather Heather Froehlich – ACH
I'm going to be talking about what to expect when you're expecting to go on the academic job market on July 10 @ 10am Pacific, 1PM Eastern w . We'll talk about what happens to you and some BTS info to be mindful of Register here!
Navigating the Academic Job Market, featuring Heather Heather Froehlich – ACH