Tim Kaiser

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Tim Kaiser


Psychotherapy researcher. Psychological methods postdoc at the Freie Universität Berlin. Currently working on causal learning and attribution methods.
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A friend of mine once remarked that if some people asserted the earth rotated from East-West and others from West-East, there would always be a few well-meaning people to suggest that the truth probably lay between the extremes or did not rotate at all. - via Paul Meehl
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This is the recording of my June 2024 keynote at the DPK congress, entitled "Embracing complexity: studying mental health problems as systems, not syndromes". They made a nice recording & allowed me to share it. Thanks a ton, DPK organizers 🖤. 🧪 #stats #psychscisky www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1cR...
Studying mental health problems as systems, not syndromeswww.youtube.com This is a keynote I gave at the DPK congress in Berlin 2024, a large conference primarily attended by psychotherapists. I want to thank them—and especially T...
My Master's student is conducting a survey on the topic of "Safer use strategies for party drugs". If the topic is relevant to you, please take part here: www.soscisurvey.de/hrs_2023 Otherwise, please share!
Fragebogen | Seite 1www.soscisurvey.de
Meine Masterstudentin führt eine Befragung zum Thema "Safer use-Strategien bei Partydrogen" durch. Falls das Thema für euch relevant ist, nehmt bitte hier teil: www.soscisurvey.de/hrs_2023
Fragebogen | Seite 1www.soscisurvey.de
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Die Systemische Therapie steht seit 1. Juli 2024 gesetzlich versicherten Kindern und Jugendlichen als Kassenleistung zur Verfügung. Nachdem der G-BA und die Partner des Bundesmantelvertrags den Weg freigemacht haben, ist Systemische Therapie bei Kindern & Jugendlichen ab sofort möglich.
Time for some facts
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These “we did a trial run of UBI and all the statistics show that it really helped in every way, now the trial is over and we’ll do nothing with that info” tests are really starting to feel like those Flat Earthers proving the earth is a globe with science and then ignoring their own findings videos
Individuals who received the $1,000/mo or $500/mo payments were more likely to find a stable, full-time job than before they received the basic income. Results showed 45% of participants secured housing, while $589,214 was saved in public service costs. "It's freedom. It's freedom from poverty..."
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing.www.businessinsider.com Participants in Denver's basic income program received up to $1,000 a month. They became more housing secure and landed full-time jobs.
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1. Rückblick 3. DPK: Vor 1 Woche Beginn mit Meeting der Interessensgruppe evidenzbasierte personalisierte Psychotherapie mit vielen Kolleg*innen & Wahl von @tkaiser.science zum neuen Sprecher; Freude über KiJu Expertise: to be continued, auch bei uns im Lab an der @unigreifswald.bsky.social
"Causal inference with latent outcomes" -- looks like a really cool paper for lots of outcomes social scientists are interested in! onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.... polisky 📉📈 #stats
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I once believed that the minidisc was the data storage medium of the future.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: To get new songs, I’d hold a cassette recorder up to the stereo speaker while the radio was on.
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Liebe Kolleg:innen: an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen ist eine W2 t.t. W3 Professur für Klinische Psychologie ausgeschrieben. Gerne teilen! uni-goettingen.de/de/685977.html
W2-TT-W3 Klinische Psychologie - Georg-August-Universität Göttingenuni-goettingen.de Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
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After careful consideration, the FDA advisory comission voted today 9:2 that MDMA has *not* been shown to be effective for treating PTSD, given massive concerns around validity threats in this literature. They also voted 10:1 that MDMA benefits do *not* outweigh harms. 🧪 #PsychPsySky
I've decided that I'm going to be a bore about this.
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Epistemic circularity and measurement validity "Answers to the questions 'What counts as a measurement of X?' and 'What is X?' often seem to presuppose one another..." doi.org/10.3389/fpsy... #Methodology #Psychology
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Holgis kategorischer Wahl-Imperativ ☝️ Die ganze Sendung hier: wochendaemmerung.de/antifa-fico-...
Es ändert nichts: wenn man eine Weile auf Twitter aktiv war und hier den Feed liest, ist es eine Wohltat.
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#NutriScore or warning labels? Our new study conducted in Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey shows high levels of acceptability of both labelling schemes, but Nutri-Score might be somewhat more effective in guiding healthy choices. New preprint with @timdorlach.bsky.social: osf.io/preprints/ps...
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A natural basic income experiment began in the mid-1990s and how the kids — now in their 30s and 40s — are doing is incredible. As adults, they have fewer drug problems and their average IQ is higher. By age 26, the benefits of the UBI exceeded its cost by 3-to-1. academicminute.org/2014/06/jane...
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Had a fun time talking about causal inference today at the academy of the Max Planck School of Cognition (slides: osf.io/43sn7). Lots of good questions from the students about what all of this means for how we do research and communicate results.>
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A friend who is also a psychology professor just sent me this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKiB... Sabine Hossenfelder: "I applied for grants on research projects because it was a way to make money, not because I thought it would leave an impact in the history of science...
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Last month to submit nominations for SIPS Mission Awards and Commendations! Nominations close April 30th. 👇
We welcome applications for SIPS Mission Awards and Commendations! Submit your nominations here: - Mission Awards: bit.ly/SIPSMissionA... - Commendations: bit.ly/SIPSCommenda... Find out more: improvingpsych.org/mission/awar... 2024 nominations close April 30th
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AI solutionism: "I have a hammer! Let me find a nail to hit with it." AI hype: "This hammer is here to stay! Let me hit myself on the head with it."
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Die Butter in eine gebutterte Form.
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@ldeserno.bsky.social & me are recruiting a new postdoc to work with us in lovely Würzburg🍷🏰🚣‍♀️🌳 on the development of internalising/externalising symptoms / their computational basis.a collaborative project with @nathanieldaw.bsky.social happy to answer any question! www.psychjob.eu/de/job/post-...
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Beamt:innen, Lehrer:innen, Schüler:innen und Studierende dürfen in Bayern keine genderinklusive Sprache mehr verwenden, sonst drohen Sanktionen. Mein Tipp: Macht es trotzdem und dann schiebt alles auf euren Bruder.
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suno.ai is absolutely mind-blowing. songs in any genre, instantly synthesized, vocals included. here's an example (i wrote the lyrics, the rest is AI). if you didn't know better, you'd be forgiven for thinking you'd randomly stumbled on a mid-90s RZA-produced demo tape app.suno.ai/song/302c8a6...
The Forms | Sunoapp.suno.ai mid-90s East Coast underground rap. melodic, lovely beats; violin, piano, and lots of horns. song. Listen and make your own with Suno.