
A natural basic income experiment began in the mid-1990s and how the kids — now in their 30s and 40s — are doing is incredible. As adults, they have fewer drug problems and their average IQ is higher. By age 26, the benefits of the UBI exceeded its cost by 3-to-1.
Rich investor: "So what you're saying is that if we don't spend money on them now, we can make money off of them through the alcohol production, healthcare, and prison industries later too, but if we do spend money they'll be smarter and more likely to call us out on our bullshit..?"
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Conservative input: "If there is no punishment involved, who cares, lol."
Conservative input: "And if there is a punishment involved, but you can easily worm your way out of it, who cares. LOL"
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Conservative input: "Giving kids money? For free? This is Communism! LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA..."
Conservative input: “But don’t dare touch the subsidies for the fossil fuel industries!”
This exact conversation has been had thousands of times in executive boardrooms for decades
But rather than implement it, why don’t we just keep doing studies on UBI forever because it runs counter to every conservative prejudice?
If you introduced UBI, you would finally have to introduce rock-solid controls on landlords and other rich people who would otherwise siphon this money away. Government doesn't want to do its job and protect its citizens.
It literally does not matter. Never forget: with conservatism, THE CRUELTY IS THE POINT. It does not matter what any data shows. They want others to suffer, above all else. That’s their only goal. The rest is rationalizing.
Are they just shitty people? It seems weird to me that people just love being mean. I know a lot of kids were like that, but I figured that people grow up and get to a place where they just run their own lives.
they're addicted to outrage and desperate to feel better than some other class of person.
Yes, they're just shitty people
It's because the people they're mean to have been sorted into outgroups that they don't really consider human. Many of them are perfectly kind to anyone in their ingroup.
Yes. The shittiest of people.
Just a few dozen more studies like this and maybe we can see some sort of trend in the analysis....
There goes Scott making sense again, backed up with data. Cue the “landlord is just gonna raise the rent” crowd.
proud member of the fat alcoholic control group
I could’ve told them this for free before I was even born. Its literal logical thinking, but this is long term thinking while we live in a society ruled by short term thinking (capitalism)
Republicans: "We need to try more and more trickle-down until it works." (Narrator: "Trickle-down already works great for the few people it's supposed to work for.")
Won’t someone think of the private prison investors?
Researchers keep conducting these experiments and politicians keep ignoring the results. Giving people money works.
Please correct me, but is this one of the few longitudinal studies about the impact of UBI in socially disadvantaged groups? I've seen ones in the short ranges, but this is the first one I've seen that stretches over a two decade period. The results don't surprise me, wonder if they're more like it.
Would love to see the follow-up, if any, today—another ten years down the road.
Wait, no. This is the same study. Sorry.
Republicans: “this is why we must fight UBI and any government help”
$4000 per person per year? Lol. That's all it takes for a 3 to 1 payoff? No conclusion left except that poverty is a feature, not a bug. Those in control WANT people to suffer. Period.
I don't know how anyone can begrudge this. We were all young adults once. We know it was a shitshow, and how much a jumpstart would have helped. Support allows self investment, which means people developing careers, that fund families, pay into pensions, and pay taxes.
But did it MAKE anyone an enormous amount of personal wealth? That's how you know it worked or not. ~/s
The thing is: YES! The more productive population grew their economies. For everyone. Even the wealthy. Business owners had access to more talent that was more productive. A lot of people made more, not least of which are the ones at the top.
But the Republicon party response: NO, NO, NO, we can't have those beneath us doing as well as us; they may surpass us.
Human labor is obsolete. UBI is the only answer.
This basic economics. Give poor people money, they spend it in the community. The enrichment ripples outward.
In which country was this?
But what if the people in power want a poor uneducated underclass that they can mistreat?
But how will we pay for it.
”benefits exceeds costs by a factor three to one” Too bad we are never going to afford it.
According to the study, it literally *paid for itself* three times over.
Is this a research based on the U.S. or on U.S. anD other countries? I think that when a country has a well developped social welfare system, like Canada or Sweden the difference might be less?
I don't know statistics and I barely know the scientific method, but using using Indian tribal children as the experimental group isn't applicable to the population at large, is it? Doesn't one need a much larger random sampling across many demographics, psychographics, etc.?
This is fascinating,hopeful,thank you!!!!