T.L. Bodine

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T.L. Bodine


Author of RIVER OF SOULS and NEVEREST as well as the Wattpad-exclusive THE HOUND. Can usually be found in the kitchen. Ask me about horror movies. Support me at https://www.patreon.com/tlbodine
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If you're looking for an alternative to doom scrolling, you could add all the 2024 SFF books/short fiction/fanwork you've loved so far this year to the Hugo Rec Spreadsheet! Thinking about art you love AND sharing it with others? Win/Win! 🔗 docs.google.com/spreadsheets...
The Hugo Awards (2025)docs.google.com about Hello! 1. This sheet is currently OPEN to public contributions. 2. Please check out the RULES sheet, with organization guidelines and category explanations. 3. To see all the categories use th...
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T-minus 22 days! The storm is almost here. You can preorder at @BNBuzz and get 25% off right now using code PREORDER25. Anyway, here’s a cool thing @mulhollandbooks made with Mariana Enriquez’s amazing blurb. 🖤 www.barnesandnoble.com/w/house-of-b...
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Mike of From Beyond Press let me know that fbp is donating all proceeds from sales of ESCALATORS TO HELL: SHOPPING MALL HORRORS for the rest of July to the Children's Organ Transplant Association in memory of Eirik Gumeny. Get it from thewebsite, or the zon, or wherever.
I was going to go take a nap but this little spot stealer beat me to it.
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I wish to art but I am tired, an autobiography
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Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
My heart has joined the thousand for my friend has stopped running today.
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Now one of my rats is showing signs of a pituitary tumor and I’d really just like it if everything could just stop dying and breaking for a little while.
Climbing back up on the write-every-day horse but damn it's hard. Has somebody got a ladder I can borrow or something?
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Atomic Carnival founder, & BRAVE NEW WEIRD recipient Eirik Gumeny, has passed. We didn't know him well; but we truck in words, & goddamn did Eirik's way with them touch us. He is loved & missed. We've posted is BNW-winning story here in full. Onward, Eirik🖤☠️ tenebrouspress.com/blog/2024/7/...
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Our first newsletter has gone out! You can read it here and also subscribe to get it delivered directly to your inbox so you can bypass the colossal stinking pit of dogshit that social media has become.
A New Age Dawnsbuttondown.email The age of X is over. The time of the newsletter has come. Not really. We’re still around on all your favourite (and least favourite) social media sites, but...
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SONG OF THE TYRANT WORM has been put for one month, so let's do an audiobook giveaway! For a chance to win the audio of the third book in The Worm and the Kings trilogy, like and repost this! I'll send a code for Audiobooks dot com to the winner on Wednesday. Good luck! 🐛👑
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I think a lot about how the Nazis were voted into office. But that outcome wasn't inevitable—people could've made a different choice. Fascism is like a vampire; you must first invite it inside.
The UK and France just proved that getting out and actually voting makes a difference. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.
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Thirty days until this little monster hits bookshelves! Remember: preorders are crucial. Here’s the amazing Rachel Harrison giving you some reasons to get you some.
My heart hurts. For Eirik, and all the plans we made, and all the words he still had in him, and for his wife and his mom and the bitter senseless aching injustice of illness. cota.org/cotaforeirik...
This is the end of the story – COTA for Eirik Gcota.org
A pattern I've noticed in online discourse is if Person A makes a claim and Person B refutes it and delivers a lengthy explanation of why A is wrong, B will almost always come away looking more knowledgeable and trustworthy, even if their sources are spurious & their argument makes no sense.
Well wishes have been delivered :)
I will be visiting @egumeny.bsky.social in the ICU today. I’m collecting messages in a card for his wife. If you’ve ever read one of his books, gotten a kind rejection from him, or any other message you’d like me to pass along, please tell me. There’s also a donation link: cota.org/cotaforeirik...
Palliative Care – This Sucks – COTA for Eirik Gcota.org
I will be visiting @egumeny.bsky.social in the ICU today. I’m collecting messages in a card for his wife. If you’ve ever read one of his books, gotten a kind rejection from him, or any other message you’d like me to pass along, please tell me. There’s also a donation link: cota.org/cotaforeirik...
Palliative Care – This Sucks – COTA for Eirik Gcota.org
One of these days I'm going to actually catch a horrorwatch in time to participate
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The year is 2029. Your shower auto-shuts off after 35 seconds; water is reserved for the Lies & Plagiarism Machine. You go outside into the heavy heat of winter, where six cops immediately beat you for appearing in public and send you to the processor farm. Rich people need your skin for new hats.
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