Tom Choad

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Tom Choad

music molecular biology and art #NAFO

survivor NPD / BPD

"I’m the one who got rid of Roe vs. Wade." - Donald Trump
If this is true - a big IF, it's Politico - this is reality TV fantasy bullshit. First, the shanking of both Biden AND Harris would be awful. Second, major Democratic nominees would have to back the ousting of president & VP, then they would have to assemble a team, and...this is completely nuts.
Biden/Harris 2024 Windows 3.1: Undefeated
"Why Did Trump Give a Bad Speech?" I love when a high profile event exposes the talentless idiocy and criminality of American conservatives, and some self-important wanks post a head scratcher like "Why did Limbaugh have so many wives?" BTW: Trump has never given a speech that wasn't horrible
WHILE we're here, shall we remember Lou Dobb's ginger phase? It really happened. After a decade or two of grey hair, the old man went to a colorist did not go well.
Can confirm: When you go on Twitter and type #Trump2024 into the search bar you get American flags flying on your page. Not sure what Musk means by this, he's a Sphinx-like mystery. h/t
"Your choice is 90% lose with Biden..." I call bullshit
The new argument against Biden stepping down is that a Trump victory would be good for the Democrats, actually.
Who wore it better?
I wish I was immune to secondhand embarrassment.
sick people
I wish I was immune to secondhand embarrassment.
Shocked, SHOCKED I tell you
11 minutes ago. Are you sure this guy can't win? I'm pretty sure he can.
Why is Schiff airing his grievances when Biden is leading in 538's election model? 1000 simulations, they have Biden winning 53% of the time. How does Schiff have 'serious doubts' about winning when the polling does not? The say Biden has a better shot than Trump, that doesn't matter?
Oddest thing about JD Vance? He's 39. BIZARRE. The greatest difference in years on a ticket over the last 2 centuries? 30. This one? 39. Trump is double So why Vance? Because on January 6th Pence (61) was just old & wise enough to say NO. Vance is young and dumb. This time, Donald will get his way
I just realized JD Vance is younger than Eric Trump. Donald is going to wipe his feet on this guy every morning and night. Trump is twice his age! 78 vs. 39. That's probably the biggest age difference in history...right? Holy shit! BY FAR the biggest difference. The previous record was 30 years:
That JD Vance is young, in his 30s, and a former Marine can be confusing. Until you realize that Vance is one of those guys who's an utter dumpling and got into the Marines to cover it up. Look at him without his beard: Trump will walk all over this guy and he won't say a word
Someone who will wear bright colors and a 'GOP unity' symbol on his shirt?
Dear AI: which moons are bigger than the Earth? AI: Yes, some moons in our solar system are larger than Earth, including moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune: [they are all smaller]
Virtually NO REPUBLICANS DENOUNCING THE SHOOTER TODAY 44 stories on Memeorandum, only 2 are from RW sites. Wash. Examiner (cop backed away from shooter) & Fox News (no replacing Biden after shooting). If Crooks had been liberal, there'd be DOZENS of stories. So I guess shooting Trump is no big deal
OH LOOK the exact same Republicans who scream DON'T POLITICIZE THIS SHOOTING any time a winger shoots up a Walmart are claiming a big political victory
Reminder: "Trump doesn’t rule out political violence if he loses"
This would be a good time to remind everybody: One side of the political war is a big fan of shooting Americans. And it's NOT us.
Project 2025: "The only way to restore public trust in HHS as an institution capable of acting responsibly during a health emergency is through the best of disinfectants—light." IRONY. Moron Don thought maybe people could put "a light inside the body" to disinfect themselves. Yeah, vote for stupid.
"Never again should public health bureaucrats... hide information, ignore information or mislead the public concerning the efficacy or dangers associated with any recommended health interventions" Shit. They're talking about Ivermectin. HydroxCQ. AND saying COVID vaccines injure or kill. Evil shit.
You're running around the bases now, Mike, it's a bad look. You really need to read Project 2025 for yourself and do your own work. But there's no need to wait, I posted this an hour ago:
Project 2025: "Excess deaths, not due to COVID-19, skyrocketed because of forced lockdowns, isolation, vaccine-related mass firings, and colossal disruptions of the economy and daily rhythms of life." Bullshit. No evidence - BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED Scientists: 'excess' excess deaths? More COVID.
Project 2025: "The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how catastrophic a micromanaging, federal government can be" That was Fox News. "Misinformed, centralized, and politicized" - Fox's successful efforts to get viewers in Red States to kill themselves. If they'd listen to the Feds, they'd be alive.
That may have been the lamest reply ever Here you go:
Okay could we please stop doing this? Project 2025 stinks to hell but it does *not* say that: "Working fathers are essential to the well-being and development of their children..."...does NOT say women should reject work or stay at home. No they don't say a working mom is good - THAT is damning.
How many other politicians have called Putin on his birthday?
how many other politicians have called zelenskyy putin in the last week